WhatIs Server Debugging Tool

WhatIs aims to be the essential server debugging tool enabling you to see how each plugin interacts with, and controls your bukkit server.


Command lookup
Find what plugin is responsible for a command as well as basic information about it
Event registration lookup
Find what plugins are registering handlers for what events
Event monitoring
See exactly what happened in the course of an events execution!
General registration reports
See what each plugin is registering (events, commands, tasks, permissions, and services)
Help combat server lag
Find entity concentrations that may be harming your server


/whatis command <command>
Looks up basic information about <command> such as: Owning plugin, description, permission, and aliases
/whatis event plugin <plugin>
Shows a list of all event handlers registered by <plugin>
/whatis event count <eventName>
Shows a list of the number of handlers each plugin has of this event
/whatis event handlers <eventName>
Shows a list of all the handlers for this event, in the exact order they will be invoked
/whatis eventmonitor <eventName> <ticks> [filter]
Monitors an event closely recording what each handler does to the event as it is executed.
Filters can be used if desired. Format: [<name>=<value>, <name>=<value>, ...]
!= can be used as well as =. = and != are actually contains and not contains in this case
<name> can be a special name too:
  • @plugin the name of the handlers plugin
  • @listener the class name of the listener
  • @priority the priority of the handler
  • @ignorecancel true or false, whether the handler ignores canceled events
    Example: Example EventReport from 1.0.0
/whatis report
Creates a report of all registered objects by plugins
Example: Example Report
/whatis tps
Shows the current tps as well as the tick times for the last 40 ticks (2 seconds) and the tick history for the last 2 minutes
/whatis dependencies (of|for) <plugin>
When specified with 'for', all dependencies of the specified plugin are shown
When specified with 'of', all plugins that mark the specified plugin as a dependency are shown
/whatis entities [world]
Shows concentrations of entities either in [world] or everywhere
Can help find lag causing clumps of entities such as xp grinders.
/whatis chunk [<x> <z> [world]]
Shows what players are keeping the specified chunk loaded
This will also show if the chunk is being loaded by being in the spawn region


Gives access to /whatis command
Default: op
Gives access to /whatis report
Default: op
Gives access to all /whatis event ... commands
Default: op
Gives access to /whatis eventmonitor
Default: op
Gives access to /whatis tps
Default: op
Gives access to /whatis dependencies
Default: op
Gives access to /whatis entity
Default: op
Gives access to /whatis chunk
Default: op

Source Code and Contributing

SourceCode for WhatIs is available on GitHub

Feel free to submit ideas, pull requests, bugs, or whatever on either the ticket page here, or on GitHub


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 13, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Apr 14, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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