Commands & Permissions

Commands & Permissions


WesTwit commands () optional
Get tweet(s) from the speficied Twitter account
/westwit count (value)
Get or set the tweet count
/westwit colors
Shows valid colors
/westwit color (value)
Get or set the color
/westwit account (value)
Get or set the twitter account
/westwit playerjoin (value)
Get or set on player join show tweet
/westwit display (value)
Get or set if the Twitter account name should be visible
/westwit interval enabled (value)
Get or set if broadcasting the tweet(s) in a interval is enabled
/westwit interval seconds (value)
Get or set the interval between broadcasting tweet(s) if interval enabled is true
/westwit ?/help (page)
Shows the help page
/westwit broadcast
Force a tweet(s) broadcast
/westwit reload
Reloads the config


You will need a permissions plugin with SuperPerms support like PermissionsEX
westwit.* : Gives access to all WesTwit commands
westwit.tweets : Allows you to use /tweets : Allows you to use /westwit help (default on true)
westwit.interval.* : Gives access to /westwit interval enabled & /westwit interval seconds
westwit.admin : Allows you to use all commands related to /westwit
westwit.colors: Allows you to use /westwit colors
westwit.color: Allows you to use /westwit color
westwit.account : Allows you to use /westwit account
westwit.count : Allows you to use /westwit count
westwit.playerjoin : Allows you to use /westwit playerjoin
westwit.accountdisplay : Allows you to use /westwit accountdisplay
westwit.interval.enabled : Allows you to use /westwit interval enabled
westwit.interval.seconds : Allows you to use /westwit interval seconds
westwit.broadcast : Allows you to use /westwit broadcast
westwit.reload : Allows you to use /westwit reload


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