Steps to Release

This document is intended only for developers of WebAuctionPlus, when ready to build a release version of the project.

  1. If you haven't already, go to jenkins at and build an updated snapshot of the project. (Only if there have been commits to the git repo since the last build)
  2. Edit the changelog.txt file with the most recent commit hash code, the next up-coming build version number, and a summary of changes since the last release.
  3. Commit the changelog.txt file.
  4. Go back to jenkins at and build the project once again.
  5. Download the built zip file from
  6. Upload to and paste in the most recent 3 version change logs
    1. Name: WebAuctionPlus <version>
  7. Tag the changelog.txt commit as the version number
    1. git tag wa-<version>
    2. git push origin wa-<version>