
This plugin lets you add crazy enchants to your items. current enchants are: blind, wither, damage, boom, tnt and teleport.


There is only one command in this plugin which is "/ench <Enchantment>" There will be more commands in the next update.


Permissions may be the most important part of this so here they are: wtoe.ench | Lets you enchant a item wtoe.interact | Lets you use an item


This plugin is not allowed to copy or act like it is your own work. I will add more enchants to this plugin until i have about over 100. There is no config yet but there will be in the next update that lets you change the most and in the future you will be able to add your own enchantments.


Please note that this is the beta build and is not recommended yet. This plugin has a few glitches for example you can teleport down into the ground and a few more that i will not name but just take a moment to think if it is worth it.


If you need any help with the plugin please send a comment, it will be replied to. If you have any ideas on what i should add next don't be afraid to tell me, it will most likely be added.


This plugin was made by me Eppen05, i have spend a lot of time coding plugins but i only coded for custom servers so this is the first plugin i will publish. I want to add more to this plugin but i need suggestions from the people who use it.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 16, 2016
  • Last Released File
    Sep 12, 2016
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