
#Here you can set commands messages


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unknown-error: "&cAn unknown error has happened!"
player-only-command: "&cThis command can be performed only by players!"
command-no-permission: "&cYou do not have permission for that command!"
home-too-many-arguments: "&eToo many arguments, type /whome help."
warping-too-many-arguments: "&eToo many arguments, type /warping help."
mywarp-too-many-arguments: "&eToo many arguments, type /mywarp help."
invalid-warp: "&7Warp %warp does not exists."

#Theese two messages works both for MyWarp and Warp -setmsg- command.
invalid-message: "&7Choose a message for this warp."
#Use %warp to get Warp name.
message-set: "&7Message successful set for the warp &6%warp&7."



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#Here you can set Home messages
invalid-home: "&7Home does not exist"
home-already-exists: "&7Home already exists."
home-set: "&7Home set!"
home-deleted: "&7Home deleted."

#This is the Half-Part of the message!
home-list-message: "&bYour &b&lHomes &r&7"

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#Here you can set Warp messages. You can use %warp to get warp name. !!Only some messages allows it.

warp-active: "&7Warp &6%warp &7activated!"
warp-already-active: "&7Warp &6%warp &7is already active!"
warp-disable: "&7Warp &6%warp &7disabled!"
warp-already-disabled: "&7Warp &6%warp &7is already disabled!"

warp-created: "&7Warp &6%warp &7created!!"
warp-already-exists: "&7Warp %warp already exists."
warp-overwritten: "&7Warp &6%warp &7has been changed in your current position."

warp-deleted: "&7Warp &6%warp &7deleted!"

warp-no-permission: "&7You do not have enough permission to teleport to this warp."
warp-goall: "&7You teleported all players to the warp &6%warp"

#Here you can use %player to get player name (who run the command).
#PS: This message tells the player target that has been teleported by %player to the %warp.
warp-goall-players: "&7You have been teleported by &6%player &7to the warp &6%warp&7."

not-enough-money: "&7You don't have enough money to use thi warp."
warping-bypass: "&7You teleported also if this warp is disabled."
incorrect-world: "&7Sorry, you can not warp because you are in a different world."
world-bypass-permission: "&7You have the permission to bypass worlds restriction and you have been teleported."

no-warp-set: "&bThere are no warps set at the moment."
#You can use %warps to get the number of warps set.
warp-list: "&7There are &b&l%warps &r&7Warps set:"

invalid-number: "&7Put a valid number."
#You can use %warp to get warp name and %cost to get the cost.
cost-set: "&7You set the cost of the Warp &6%warp &7to &6$%cost&6."
invalid-cost: "&7Choose a cost for this warp."

invalid-player: "&7Player is not online!"
#Use %player to get the target player. Use %warp to get the warp name.
teleport-message: "&7You teleported &6%player&7 to the warp &6%warp&7."

#Use %player to get the player who run the command. Use %warp to get the warp name.
#This is similar to /warping goall command. It tells the target that
#has been teleported by %player to the %warp.
teleport-message-to-target: "&7You were been teleported by &6%player&7 to the warp &6%warp&7."

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#Here you can set MyWarp messages. You can use %warp to get warp name. !!Only some messages allows it.

mywarp-created: "&7Personal Warp &6%warp &7created!"
mywarp-deleted: "&7Personal Warp &6%warp &7deleted!"
mywarp-already-exists: "&7The personal warp &6%warp&7 already exists."

#Use %max to get the max number of warps you can set.
mywarp-max-warps: "&7The max number of Personal Warps you can set is &a%max&r."

#Use %warps to get the list of personal warps and %max to get the max number of warps you can set.
mywarp-list: "&bYour &b&lWarps &r&7(&3%warps&7/&3%max&7)&b:"


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#Here you can set message for Warp-Signs
warp-sign-created: "&aWarp created with success!"
mywarp-sign-created: "&aPersonal Warp created with success!"
warping-sign-permission: "&cYou can't create Warp signs!"
mywarp-sign-permission: "&cYou can't create Personal Warp signs!"
sign-length: "&cWarp Sign can't Be create because the length of the String &4teleport-sign &cin config is too big."


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