Warn players on a really easy way.
Are you tired of telling your player "Please stop it or you will get banned."?
Do you want to warn/punish bad players really easy?
Do you want to execute commands when a certain amount of warns is reached?
Do you...?
As you can see, this plugin contains really many feature for server admin which want to handle really easy with bad players on the server.
With this plugin it wont be longer a problem to handle with law breaker and also the punishment!!!
This is the best warn plugin on bukkit :D and if you dont think so please send me a pm which warn plugin should be better and why
and if you miss a feature of a warn plugin then leave a comment and i will try my best to implement it.
Click at the link below to see how easy it is to configure everything.
click here to see the config with a explanation
Track everyone who ever broke the law and warn him so he know that he did something wrong.
click here to see the config with a explanation
This plugin utilizes Gravity's plugin updater to auto update.
To disable auto updating, set 'Autoupdater' to 'false' in 'plugins/Warns/config.yml'.
Please create a ticket if you find something.
If you do a tutorial for my plugin ill post it right here ;D
The bar is growing. Thank you guys :D
This plugin uses Hidendra's plugin metrics system. The information sent to mcstats.org is completely anonymous, publicly viewable, and includes the following metrics:
- A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- The plugin's version
- The server's version
- The OS version/name and architecture
- The core count for the CPU
- The number of players online
- The Metrics version
Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.
Last words
My final destination is to make a plugin to handle with all kinds of law breaker and for this i will add: Punishment, warns, tracking.
If you like this plugin create a comment and if you want a special feature you can also create a comment.
I would like if you could translate this page in your language so it would be easier for other guys from your country to understand my plugin ;D, a tutorial would be also epic.
Just post the link in the comments
I will try my best do make the best warn plugin on bukkit :D
I´ll try my to solve your problem ;)
I will add /unwarn <player> <number>
This plugin looks great, the only problem is that I have many moderators and helpers on my server and I know that a player will likely get 2 warnings from 2 different moderators for the same offence.
Is there any way you can add a option to remove single warnings? So for example if they are warned twice for the same offence, instead of clearing all the warnings, just clear the duplicate?
I uploaded it 6 day ago... But bukkit Devadmins needs a lot of time to aprove a file.
And there is no 2.3.1 its all in 2.3 ;)
when do you think there will be 2.3.1?
I'm talking about the time when the command was executed :)
Ok i will add it
maybe make it possible to warn a player from the server console too instead of from ingame...
And do you have any ideas how i can change it?
In 2.3.1 will be a permission warn.notificate and with this permission you will be notificate when a warned player joins.
furthermore you can look in the config to see who was warned and i can make that you can see who warned the player and when.
very nicely composed and i will be using this plugin on my server to handle every mute kick jail and ban because apparently players do not like to listen to the rules >.> and i do have memory problems with new players it is quite difficult to remember who was warned and who was not while im not on to see that player warned as well so very nicely done :D
Ok i will add it in 2.3.1
exactly thats what i meant,
this would be very helpful - there are so many noobs around, i can't remember all their names.
so i would be able to see if a warned noob joins...
So you mean when a admin or something with the permissions.... Is online and player asdf joins, the admin will get a Info how many warns this player has?
I am happy about every idea because i am not really creative ;)
what about the idea, that players with a special permission get the notifications on how many warnings a player has, when he joins the server?
das hängt von den bukkit devAdmins ab...
Die überprüfen jeden upload ob der auch stimmt ect.
Das kann bis zu 5 tage dauern... besten falls 5 Stunden.
Ich werde 2.3.1 morgen hochladen.
ok i will add this in 2.3.1 because i already uploaded 2.3 ;D
und ich bin auch aus Deutschland ;)
First will be added in 2.3.1
And you know that you can execute every command so you can also execute /tempban 60 and the player will automatically see that he is banned for 60 minutes so i dont know why <time> would be important.
Second: at the moment i am learning how to handle with mySQL this will be added in 3.0 or higher
Like when you reached like 10 warnings you can get it to ban you and then use <reason> in the ban message :-) Same method with <time> and so on
Edit: Having MySql support for multiple servers would be so good! :)
Thank you :)
I Made this plugin because there is no plugin were this Features are in.
And if you have any ideas please post them.