Warn players on a really easy way.
Are you tired of telling your player "Please stop it or you will get banned."?
Do you want to warn/punish bad players really easy?
Do you want to execute commands when a certain amount of warns is reached?
Do you...?
As you can see, this plugin contains really many feature for server admin which want to handle really easy with bad players on the server.
With this plugin it wont be longer a problem to handle with law breaker and also the punishment!!!
This is the best warn plugin on bukkit :D and if you dont think so please send me a pm which warn plugin should be better and why
and if you miss a feature of a warn plugin then leave a comment and i will try my best to implement it.
Click at the link below to see how easy it is to configure everything.
click here to see the config with a explanation
Track everyone who ever broke the law and warn him so he know that he did something wrong.
click here to see the config with a explanation
This plugin utilizes Gravity's plugin updater to auto update.
To disable auto updating, set 'Autoupdater' to 'false' in 'plugins/Warns/config.yml'.
Please create a ticket if you find something.
If you do a tutorial for my plugin ill post it right here ;D
The bar is growing. Thank you guys :D
This plugin uses Hidendra's plugin metrics system. The information sent to mcstats.org is completely anonymous, publicly viewable, and includes the following metrics:
- A unique identifier
- The server's version of Java
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode
- The plugin's version
- The server's version
- The OS version/name and architecture
- The core count for the CPU
- The number of players online
- The Metrics version
Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.
Last words
My final destination is to make a plugin to handle with all kinds of law breaker and for this i will add: Punishment, warns, tracking.
If you like this plugin create a comment and if you want a special feature you can also create a comment.
I would like if you could translate this page in your language so it would be easier for other guys from your country to understand my plugin ;D, a tutorial would be also epic.
Just post the link in the comments
I will try my best do make the best warn plugin on bukkit :D
Hey, this plugin is amazing, I would like to see it be able to have the feature when you use /setwarn, it will deliver the command associated to the top warn level possible assigned in the amount you gave, that and also the feature to /warn players who are offline.
This plugin is very good, but can you add more warns in one command?
Example: /Warn <player> <number of warns> <reason>
It will help me on my server, because we have 'we have a table of warns' and this will big help.
Good luck in the works!
No update to add language.yml to translate messages ? (And error when you type /warn, a command is written /warb)
Also du meinst alle die nachrichten die, die normalen Spieler sehen können, also nachrichten die an admins und so gehen müssen nicht übersetzt werden?
Und ja das währe nett ^^
I am working on the message.yml where you can change the message which will be send to the Player and i want to know which messages shall be changeable e.g. the broadcast message.
At the moment my plugin does not support console commands... Because i think that you have to be ony anyways to know when you should warn a player. The punish commands will work as a console command. I think i will add the language.yml in 3.1
Waiting for approval
I was in holidays for 2 weeks... Thats why it took so long
How far are you with making the 2.4.2 update?
there should be inform: true thats what you have to turn on false. I changed it...
İ would have already fıxed all thıs bugs but ı am ın holidays... ill come back on saturday and then i wıll start working agaın
And the permıssıon szstem doesnt work... only op can do all the commands...
I am sorry for all those bugs :(
I have a problem, when a warned player join the game, all players see a message "TEST Notification", how to disable that ? In configuration, Notificate: false but the message remain.
And the same problem that @breeza936_2 for warn.show permission.
Sorry for my bad english.
Thank you !
Thank you :)
But at the moment i am in turkey for 2 weeks so i wont be able to work at my plugin, but the feature will come.
Hi !
I like your plugin ! But it would be nice to be able to translate the broadcast ! I hope that it will be possible in future updates :). And sorry for my bad english.
Thank you !
ill go in holidays tomorrow for 2 weeks :)
so dont expect any updates...
But after this 2 weeks ill start working on the plugin again.
Have nice Holidays :D
Yes i know that this is the problem.
I'll add your idea in 2.4.2 TOO :)
The problem is that even if normal users have the warn.show permission, they are told that they don't have permission to run that command.
Also, some players will need warn.warn but not warn.unwarn
At the moment, only OP's can use commands regardless of if other players have been given all the permission nodes.
Is it at all possible to make it run more than one command for a number of warnings?
Example, if a user has 5 warnings, I would want to jail them for 5 minutes and mute them for 5 minutes as well.
Thank you
If they have permissions ofcourse :) But i can also make that normal Users have the Basic commands like /warn Show
When 2..4.2 will come out? I dont know because i didnt find the error... But i will search for it ;)
Great plugin so far, thoroughly enjoying it. Also, when do you expect for version 2.4.2 to come out for the plugin? Will all the commands be usable once added to regular users in 2.4.2?
I started to add punish commands to punish bad player on your server ;)
For example /punish freeze <player> <time> to freeze the player (he cant move)
If you have any ideas for more punish methods please post them :)
i found the error and thanks that you found this critical error :) i always tested my plugin as op and not as a general user thats why i didnt found it ....
It will be fixed in 2.4.2
Thank you for adding the removal of 1 warning in!
However, I'm having an issue with perms at the moment. I'm using Pex.
I want to give all players the ability to /warn show so they can see their own warnings.
However, when I give the perm warn.show to the lowest rank on the server, from which all other ranks inherit, it says they do not have permission. I have tried manually adding it to a few players and again, no permission to run the command.
Any ideas?