About this plugin
WarnPlus offers many features including anvil reasons, gui player selector, and gui view-warns (you can view people's warnings in a gui). Not to forget, this plugin is 99% customizable! You can change the items, arrows to go to different pages, and more!
- /warn (Permission: Warn.warn) - Opens a player selector gui for you to select a player to warn, once selected it will prompt you an anvil to enter your reason.
- /warn view <player> (Permission: Warn.warn) - Opens a gui full of all the players warnings.
- /warn clear <player> (Permission: Warn.warn) - Clears a players warnings.
Upcoming Features
- Make GUI's customization faster - Comment your ideas.
- None known to exist.
Default Config: (Looks big in config, but looks nice in game)
Messages: No-Permission: '&cSorry, but you do not have permission!' Warned: '&cYou have been warned by %player% for %reason%' Warn-Player: '&cYou have warned %player% for %reason%!' Arrows: View-Warn-GUI: ForwardArrow: ID: '160:14' Slot: 24 Name: '&9Next Page' Lore: {} BackArrow: ID: '160:14' Slot: 22 Name: '&9Back a Page' Lore: {} Warn-GUI: ForwardArrow: ID: '160:14' Slot: 51 Name: '&9Next Page' Lore: {} BackArrow: ID: '160:14' Slot: 49 Name: '&9Back a Page' Lore: {} View-Warns-GUI: Name: '&9Warnings' Size: 3 Warns-Per-Page: 7 Items: Spacer1: ID: '160:7' Slot: 1 Name: ' ' Lore: {} Spacer2: ID: '160:7' Slot: 2 Name: ' ' Lore: {} Spacer3: ID: '160:7' Slot: 3 Name: ' ' Lore: {} Spacer4: ID: '160:7' Slot: 4 Name: ' ' Lore: {} Spacer5: ID: '160:7' Slot: 5 Name: ' ' Lore: {} Spacer6: ID: '160:7' Slot: 6 Name: ' ' Lore: {} Spacer7: ID: '160:7' Slot: 7 Name: ' ' Lore: {} Spacer8: ID: '160:7' Slot: 8 Name: ' ' Lore: {} Spacer9: ID: '160:7' Slot: 9 Name: ' ' Lore: {} Lore: {} Spacer19: ID: '160:8' Slot: 19 Name: ' ' Lore: {} Spacer20: ID: '160:8' Slot: 20 Name: ' ' Lore: {} Spacer21: ID: '160:8' Slot: 21 Name: ' ' Lore: {} Info: ID: '160:11' Slot: 23 Name: '&9&lInfo' Lore: - '&7All these players warnings' - '&7are listed here as nametags.' - '&7Date format - ' - '&7(day/month/year hour:minute:second)' 24Filler: ID: '160:15' Slot: 24 Name: '&8&mNext Page' Lore: {} 22Filler: ID: '160:15' Slot: 22 Name: '&8&mBack A Page' Spacer25: ID: '160:8' Slot: 25 Name: ' ' Lore: {} Spacer26: ID: '160:8' Slot: 26 Name: ' ' Lore: {} Spacer27: ID: '160:8' Slot: 27 Name: ' ' Lore: {} Warn-GUI: Name: '&9Click to warn' Size: 6 Players-Per-Page: 36 Items: Spacer1: ID: '160:7' Slot: 1 Name: ' ' Lore: {} Spacer2: ID: '160:7' Slot: 2 Name: ' ' Lore: {} Spacer3: ID: '160:7' Slot: 3 Name: ' ' Lore: {} Spacer4: ID: '160:7' Slot: 4 Name: ' ' Lore: {} Spacer5: ID: '160:7' Slot: 5 Name: ' ' Lore: {} Spacer6: ID: '160:7' Slot: 6 Name: ' ' Lore: {} Spacer7: ID: '160:7' Slot: 7 Name: ' ' Lore: {} Spacer8: ID: '160:7' Slot: 8 Name: ' ' Lore: {} Spacer9: ID: '160:7' Slot: 9 Name: ' ' Lore: {} Spacer46: ID: '160:8' Slot: 46 Name: ' ' Lore: {} Spacer47: ID: '160:8' Slot: 47 Name: ' ' Lore: {} Spacer48: ID: '160:8' Slot: 48 Name: ' ' Lore: {} Info: ID: '160:11' Slot: 50 Name: '&9&lInfo' Lore: - '&7Click any head' - '&7to warn!' 49Filler: ID: '160:15' Slot: 49 Name: '&8&mBack A Page' Lore: {} 51Filler: ID: '160:15' Slot: 51 Name: '&8&mNext Page' Lore: {} Spacer52: ID: '160:8' Slot: 52 Name: ' ' Lore: {} Spacer53: ID: '160:8' Slot: 53 Name: ' ' Lore: {} Spacer54: ID: '160:8' Slot: 54 Name: ' ' Lore: {}
NEED: - Graphics, contact me on skype (jake.bdev) if you would make graphics for this plugin.