

This plugin was created for ease of supplying players with links to vote for your the server on voting sites. When a player says the word "vote" in chat or perform the command "/vote" it will supply them with the link specified in the config.yml. It also supplies a vote link for the player when they join the server. You can toggle the chat and the join message in the configuration to turn it on or off.

Attention If you downloaded 1.4.1, 1.4 or 1.3 and are upgrading to 1.5+ I would recommend deleting your "userdata" folder along with all the users in it due to a change in the way I did the playerconfigs.
You MUST have Votifier for this plugin to work. It is a dependency.

Just throw the plugin into your plugins folder. Generally permissions are default. /vote or saying the word "vote" in chat use the permission node "". Reload is default to OP. The permission node is "voteinformer.reload"

Future Features:
I will be adding more features in the future including /vi top which will fetch how many times each player voted and create a "leaderboard" for voting.

voteinformer.* - Gives all perms
voteinformer.reload - Gives perms to reload config - op default - Gives perms to use /vote - default perm - Gives perms to use /vi top - default perm - not functioning yet
voteinformer.stats - Gives perms to use /vi stats - default perm
voteinformer.stats.others - Gives perms to use /vi stats <playername> - op default - Gives perms to give votelink upon saying the word "vote" - default perm (remove this perm from a certain group so the message doesn't pop up everytime they say vote)

/vote - Lists vote link
/vi reload - reloads the config file
/vi top - does nothing at the moment but will be adding in the future
/vi stats - shows players how many times they voted
/vi stats <playername> - displays how many times the specified player has voted


# X-------------------------------------------------X
# |               Vote Informer V1.5                |
# |            Author: Dazedndconfused              |
# |           Publish Date: Oct 16 2013             |
# |       Contact info: [email protected]         |
# X-------------------------------------------------X
# Put the links to vote below. You can have as many sites as you wish.

# Enable or disable the option to show the message on player chat
# Set as false for disabled or true as enabled
PlayerChat: true

# Enable or disable on join message
# Set as false for disabled or true as enable
JoinMessageOption: true

# If the option above is enabled, this will be displayed to players that join the server. To show the playername use %p and 
# to show the servername(directly below this option) use %sn
JoinMessage: "&bHello &e%p &bwelcome to &3%sn&b."

# Put the Name of your server below. This is the Join message for the VoteInformer. It will be as follows
# Hello "playername" Welcome to "Servername"
# So if unchanged below the welcome message when i join would be
# Hello Dazedndconfused Welcome to My Server
ServerName: My Server

# Use VoteInformer broadcast? This will affect IPs from not showing up when voting to stop people from vote advertising(believe
# it or not this actually happens, how do people think of these things????)
VIBroadcast: true

# Broadcast Message upon players voting. Will show up as
# [My Server] Thanks Dazedndconfused for your vote!
# You can use any color strings you wish to use in this including bold, italics, magic etc. etc.
# To display servername in the message use %sn and to show the playername use %p
Broadcast: "&3[&e%sn&3] &bThanks &3%p &bfor your vote!"

# If you are being trolled by people advertising for other servers by voting, get the IPs and put them below
# by default it will be
# DeniedIPs: []
# and after adding IPs it should look like
# DeniedIPs:
#     -
#     -
## NOTE!!!!! please realize this is useless unless you use the broadcast message above.
DeniedIPs: []

Link to source on GitHub:


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