VoteKick 2.0
The ultimate punishment plugin ! Now with improved security, and logs !
Your players will be able to vote to kick, ban, or temporary ban these damn trolls from your server, useful to grant access to liberty to your players, major when there is no mod online !
Commands and Permissions :
Command | Permission | Description | ||||
/vote... <player> (reason) | votekick.start | Start a vote or vote to kick a player | ||||
/votekick <player> (reason) | votekick.kick | Vote to kick a player | ||||
/voteban <player> (reason) | votekick.ban | Vote to ban a player | ||||
/votetempban <player> <minutes> (reason) | votekick.tempban | Vote to tempban a player | ||||
/voteunban <player> | votekick.unban | Vote to unban a player | ||||
/votestay <player> | votekick.stay | Remove one vote to the count for the player | ||||
/voteforce <player> | votekick.admin | Force the vote to succeed | ||||
/votecancel <player> | votekick.admin | Cancel a vote | ||||
/votemute | none | Receive or not the plugin messages | ||||
passive | | kick, ban, tempban and stay permissions grouped | ||||
passive | votekick.notify | See who votes | ||||
passive | votekick.protected | Disallow any vote against the player | ||||
passive | votekick.admin | Access to everything |
Configuration :
Changelog :
Please backup your current config files and language and remove them from the plugin folder, the new ones will replace it.
Added :
- node allows to use any vote
- votekick.start node is needed to start a vote
- ban and tempban reasons showing in the chat
- voteunban command for tempbanned or banned players
- votemute to stop receiving messages or receive them again
- votestay vote limits
Fixed :
- VoteTempBan delay not working
- Vote limits not allways showing correctly
Improved :
- Faster command managment
- Total tempban duration now showing in tempban logs
@CactusCraft You gave your ideas just in time as I was going to update the plugin :)
I'll add a vote(kick/ban/tempban/unban).start permission to resolve the problem n°1 The ignore node won't be added,because the players who doesn't have the permission to vote, are already not counted in the percentage.
/votemute is a good idea, I'll do this as well.
Is there a way to make a group able to process votekick and let other groups to allow the kick, example, group vip1 can /votekick player reason and group regular can /votekick accept/deny?!?, also votekick.ignore, so when it has to be example 75% + these players does not get counted, and basically /votemute?!? :D
@xdeathoreox This will be fixed in the next incomming release. If you have permission "votekick.notify" you can view who votes, then it's easy to know who has started the vote, because he's the first...
This is fixed, wait for the next release to have separate temp and ban counters ;)
We you give a reason. It doesn't display the text. It just out puts numbers for the reason. Also, it would be nice to see who started a vote kick/ban/tempban
I'm op and i can't use temp bans, it says "you're reached the limit of bans..." and in the config i has tempban: 10 ..
Hey, I am currently working on 2.0, lots of changes, you'll have to reset your config file.
It should be updated in a few hours so, it's time to give me any idea you could have right now ;)
@Shayana_fr Could you add vote jail, and like make it execute a certain command? Like jail [player] jail1 20m?
That's an idea I could make, I would more make a max tempban duration configurable if you don't have votekick.admin permission, and when it says /votetempban player reason, it takes this duration as default... Also I plan to separate each command as a permission, votekick.ban votekick.tempban etc... That's all for now (excepted for the timer I still didn't have the courage to do yet )
Awesome! Love the simplicity and I dont think it needs to be bogged down anymore than it is :D
although I would like to be able to give all players the ability to start a temp vote ban but only for 30 mins! If thats possible they could just type
/voteban <player> (reason)
and the ban would automatically only be for 30 minutes, or some configurable amount
hi, thank you for your votes.
Ban, TempBan and the timer are cooming soon since I'm working on it right now, I've started a new poll for the next release, there will be more like them, depending on your suggests or my own ideas, feel free to feedback so that it will be the best it can be !
Also, I'd like to apologize to the already existing plugins' authors, I just made this for my own server, and decided to push this on BukkitDev without checking what was already available, I just wanted to share this with you, so don't be offended, and if you want to, we can even work together.
I've made the correction, thank you !
Lightweight plugin to allow players to kick others through votes.
I know your french, so don't be offended, just making the page more correct. :D
An update will be approved soon, I added the percentage idea, and some new features, voteban and tempban are the next step I think. I also made it possible to push tickets into bukkitdev instead of guithub Aslo, if someone dares helping me with the logo, that'd be nice =)
its a good idea to add voteban and votetempban, I would greatly appreciate if you stretched them, if you can do that rather than vote either procentange accurate? example 10 players and votekick Player, if all votes reach 70% or something the Player was kicked etc, sorry for my bad english
You can change every message sent by this plugin via the config file so yeah, I guess it's multilingual, that's what I meant =)
Also, I've tough about voteban and tempban, that would be a good idea, I'll let you guys know when I do this.
Would love to also see options to /voteban and /votetempban. (I would've made a ticket, but I have no idea how to use github).
Also... something leads me to doubt this plugin is available in all the languages listed lol.
The only permission is
I'll upload a new version today, fixing the permission errors.
What are the Permissions nodes please ?
PS : Dev français ? Car les fichiers de config sont en fr :)