VoteKick 2.0
The ultimate punishment plugin ! Now with improved security, and logs !
Your players will be able to vote to kick, ban, or temporary ban these damn trolls from your server, useful to grant access to liberty to your players, major when there is no mod online !
Commands and Permissions :
Command | Permission | Description | ||||
/vote... <player> (reason) | votekick.start | Start a vote or vote to kick a player | ||||
/votekick <player> (reason) | votekick.kick | Vote to kick a player | ||||
/voteban <player> (reason) | votekick.ban | Vote to ban a player | ||||
/votetempban <player> <minutes> (reason) | votekick.tempban | Vote to tempban a player | ||||
/voteunban <player> | votekick.unban | Vote to unban a player | ||||
/votestay <player> | votekick.stay | Remove one vote to the count for the player | ||||
/voteforce <player> | votekick.admin | Force the vote to succeed | ||||
/votecancel <player> | votekick.admin | Cancel a vote | ||||
/votemute | none | Receive or not the plugin messages | ||||
passive | | kick, ban, tempban and stay permissions grouped | ||||
passive | votekick.notify | See who votes | ||||
passive | votekick.protected | Disallow any vote against the player | ||||
passive | votekick.admin | Access to everything |
Configuration :
Changelog :
Please backup your current config files and language and remove them from the plugin folder, the new ones will replace it.
Added :
- node allows to use any vote
- votekick.start node is needed to start a vote
- ban and tempban reasons showing in the chat
- voteunban command for tempbanned or banned players
- votemute to stop receiving messages or receive them again
- votestay vote limits
Fixed :
- VoteTempBan delay not working
- Vote limits not allways showing correctly
Improved :
- Faster command managment
- Total tempban duration now showing in tempban logs
Could this possibly be made to where when no staff is online it is active but when staff is online (anyone in the mod or admin group) it is not active to voting?
Limit it to 1 vote at a time and when that vote finishes, another vote can begin
Updated to work with CB 1.4.7 R0.1 - - - - - No changes yet.
What if there are multiple votes at one time ?
I have an idea which will make this the best votekick plugin! When a vote is issued. Please put short commands like. /kickvote yes not /vote yes cause many plugins use that you can do /yes or /no or something that is easy to type but don't do /vote yes or /vote no.
I'll update it in the next days.
If you can think of a new deature you can still post a comment or send me a pm.
I'll post a new comment when it's updated.
Is this still being updated or no...?
Hello ! The plugin should work fine on a 1.3.X server, I'll still update it on the week end.
Ask me for anything you'd like to see implemented or improved before I start, thank you !
Working fine on my 1.3.2 Server.
When a player under a voteban leave the server, the voteban is cancelled.. Maybe i'm doing something wrong !?
any one try this on 1.3 yet?
trying out your plugin,
if i may add a suggestion i was thinking of also a karma vote system. a way for players to give positive/negative feedback for mods and admin to review later.
know thats not the intent of your plugin but was just thinking it be neat to have a feature like that also ^^
"Good news everyone !" VoteKick 2.5 is awaiting for approval by the admins, each issue reported here is now fixed, you can see the changelog above.
Next update shall make it compatible with MySQL and McBans plugin. Don't forget to report any issue or any suggestion - request you could have.
Thank you for your patience and use it with caution !
"You have reached the vote limit for today"
I am running the plugin first time.
What's wrong ?
So, yeah ! The update is coming very soon, thank you for your reports that help me improving this, I still have one or two things to optimize and you'll get it =)
You can still make requests for next update
maybe I can give more detail. When a /votetempban is issued it instantly times out and no one can vote on it and the player is not kicked or tempbanned.
my trusted players have: votekick.tempban votekick.kick votekick.stay votekick.notify
Like I said the votekick works as expected, but the votetempban does not.
/votetempban <player> <minutes> (reason)
------Add a max tempban
maxtempban = 30
The tempban maximum will be 30minuts, and people can't tempban for longer than that
maxtempban = -1
The tempban will not be set and user with the node "votekick.tempban" will be able to ban a user with any time range (1-99999999999999999999)
I tested this plugin a bit, and if the command is issued by a OP or someone with all of the permissions node the player will be automatically tempbanned and the vote is removed
My "Trusted" players love this. They can kick a griefer when there is no mod online. However I would like to add the tempban feature but when the commands is issued it instantly times out. The delay is set to 60 like the others. A math issue maybe? Could you please fix this!
Merci Shayana! :)