Void Storage

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Void Storage

Void Storage

Release Info

This plugin is currently in the "Planning" Stage, but in reality it is about 90% completed and should be posted soon.

What is Void Storage?

Void Storage is my take on a Virtual Chest plugin. It takes it a step further and makes it less like a chest, and more like a different dimension, or a "void". It takes inspiration from the game World of Warcraft. If you've played the game, you probably recognize the name. In the game, Void Storage, is an expensive storage unit that lets you store very many items at the cost of money to store the items, and any enchantments, etc. are lost from the item.

How does it work?

When you open your Void Storage, you will see a chest interface with the size depending on your permission nodes. You can go ahead and store your items in the chest, and it will be saved when you close the inventory. Upon opening it back up, you may notice the catch of storing the item. I didn't go so far as to remove enchantments, but a line of Lore will be added to the item that says, "Stored in the Void.", and the name of the item is in light purple. In addition to the name of the item being in light purple, any custom name you put on it from an anvil will be gone, the display name is simply the item name in purple.

What are the current features?

  • Virtual storage called a "Void"
  • Line of lore added to stored items
  • Stored items lose their display name
  • Size of chest is changed by permission node
  • Void can be opened via command or sign

How do you open your Void?

Anyone can do the command, "/void", no matter their permissions. You can also create a sign that will open the player's Void storage upon being right clicked. To create a sign, simply place a sign down and write "[Void]" down on the first line. The plugin will take care of the rest.


Just one, "/void".


  • void.sign: Permission to create a sign for Void Storage.
  • void.number: How big the player's Void is. The number can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. Each number is how many rows the Void has, 1 being 9 slots, and 6 being the size of a double chest. (I wanted to make it bigger, but it breaks the textures if it's bigger)

To-Do List

  • Release the Plugin
  • Add MySQL support

Void Storage

About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 15, 2013
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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