Vocab Trainer

Hey kids!

Do you hate studying your Spanish or German vocabularies for school? Me too!
And do you like playing Minecraft? Well, me too!

And guess what, in today's modern world we have the technology to reconvert your ordinary Minecraft game into an all-time vocabulary academy! Instead of saying 'no way' to studying vocabularies, you'll go: "Meh, why not." It's amazing! It's fantastic!

It's VocabTrainer Pro X

Alright, after a little fun introduction I hope you could hear a sarcastic voice out of the text.

In short: You can create your own vocab packs via chat commands and messages. Each vocab has 1 question, multiple solutions and the amount of points you want to reward the player, if he answered correctly.


There are only 2 different permissions: vocabtrainer.commands.study and vocabtrainer.commands.create

/vocab start [pack]vocabtrainer.commands.studyStart with a quiz.
/vocab listvocabtrainer.commands.study
List all available packs
/vocab searchvocabtrainer.commands.studySearch for a particular word (works both ways).
/vocab create [pack]vocabtrainer.commands.createCreate new pack.
/vocab add [pack]vocabtrainer.commands.createAdd more vocabularies to an existing pack (1.1+)
/vocab delete [pack]vocabtrainer.commands.createDelete vocab pack.

I also included the automated tab completion, you're welcome to use it.

Managing packs

How to create, edit and delete packs: here

How the quiz works

When starting the quiz, you'll be as before in the temporary chat. (Again, no one will hear you)

Just type your answers into the chat and it'll tell you if you were right. It only goes Question -> Solutions, not the other way.
In the end, if you've got some words wrong, you are given the option to repeat the ones you've gotten wrong. Answer with yes or no in the chat.


As for now, there are only 2 things you can edit.

When creating packs or studying, it bugged me having chat messages all over the place. Default, when you are in the temporary chat, after each message a huge block of blankness is added in front, so you won't have to look at a messy chat. But if you don't want to look at the white space, you can change that in the settings.

When studying the vocabularies, you can also decide whether or not the questions should be shuffled or not.

For each of the settings, you can either set it to true or false.

A few last words

This is a fun little project I've been working on a long time ago and it actually sometimes helped me at school. But please, don't rely on this. If you still do bad after 5 weeks of using this, it's not the programs fault... It's your fault... You might need to go outside if that's the case.

This program has some potential in one or the other way, right now I've only used it to study vocabularies but haven't come up with anything else. I will probably not be working too hard on this plugin, except if you come up with anything awesome to do with it. If so, please contact me as quickly as possible!

Until then, have fun studying!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 2, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Sep 13, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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