
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.



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VirtualChestVault is a plugin by Day1nDay0ut for Skittles Server. It allows a player to store items in a virtual chest and access them whenever they issue a command. It acts as a portable chest a player can take anywhere, like an enderchest but does not rely on a physical block and can have any number of chests.


  • Compatible With Vault for Economy.
  • Can be blocked in certain worlds and gamemodes.
  • Can have different limits and op bypass on limit.
  • Can have itemChests with custom items you click to open a chest!

Commands And Permissions


  • /vChest Help shows all of the help pages for the plugin.
  • /vChest Open Open a virtual chest of yours.
  • /vChest View View all your virtual chests.
  • /vChest Clear Clears your virtual chest if a number of chest is provides.
  • /vChest Item Gives the player an item they can use to open a chest.
  • /vChest Admin Reload Reloads the plugin.
  • /vChest Admin Clear Clear A Player's chest.
  • /vChest Admin View View a Player's chest.
  • /vChest Admin ClearAll Will clear all the plugin use data. Note this cannot be undone!


Player Permissions

  • - virtualchestvault.use Allows a player access to the Open, View and Help commands
  • - virtualchestvault.clear Allows a player access to the Clear command.
  • - virtualchestvault.item Allows use of the Item command.
  • - virtualchestvault.bypassgm Allows a player to access the chest if they are in creative.

Admin Permissions

  • - virtualchestvault.admin.reload Allows an admin access to the Admin Reload command.
  • - virtualchestvault.admin.clear Allows an admin access to the Admin Clear command.
  • - virtualchestvault.admin.view Allows an admin to view a player's chest with the Admin View command.
  • - virtualchestvault.admin.clearall Allows an admin to clear all data. Note that this command cannot be undone and will reset all chests!


By default your config will look something like this, although without the comments.

# VirtualChestVault
# Config
# That is All
# Check the Bukkit Dev For Documentation
#NOTE: Economy requires vault!

#You will have an SQL section but this currently will not work as it is not implemented fully.

#limit is the limit for chests allowed by players with **virtualchestvault.use**
    limit: 2 #limit number
    opbypass: true #whether ops can bypass the limit
#worlds that the chests cannot be used in (These defaults are just for beta as they are the ones on our server)
  - 'Plotworld' #One of the worlds on my server etc...
  - 'Skyworld'
  - 'Portal'
#If true then players in creative cannot access their chests.
disableCreative: true
#If you are using an economy with the plugin (to buy chests etc)
    enabled: true
    costPerChest: 1000 #How much it costs to make a new virtual chest.
    costToClearChest: 500 #How much it costs to clear your chest.
#For use with the /vChest Item command that gives a player an item to use with a chest.
    item: NETHER_STAR #The item you want the command to give.
    name: '&9[&bvChest&9] &7Nether Star' #The name you want the item to have
      - 'A Portable, Clickable Minichest!' #The purple text under the name (Must be in list format w/each row being a line)
    cost: 500 #The cost to buy an itemChest (issued upon click)
    rows: 2 #Number of rows the itemChest has.



As the plugin is still in beta, I have still do do some coding on it as there are many bugs that I am aware of. I will be adding more features and removing bugs when I develop it more. For the mean time if you find a bug please email [email protected] or post a comment here and I'll try to get it fixed.


  1. Add some extra features (Leave suggestions)
  2. Add MySQL support.
  3. [Possibly] add support for a Durability to % filled of chest on itemChest.
  4. Add support for custom rows on main vChest's.
  5. Add permission based feature where the amount of chests a player is allowed is defined by the permissions given e.g virtualchestvault.limit.# ("#" being a number of chests allowed)


You can contact me, Day1nDay0ut at by opening a ticket and asking for Day1nDay0ut or by emailing [email protected]


I advise you either look below to see who to contact directly or ask on the server for myself or the plugin manager, as we will most likely be able to help if we are on.


If you have found a bug I urge you to contact myself (Day1nDay0ut/Craig_M14) directly or by commenting on the Bukkit Dev page. As I am the coder for the plugin it is easier and more effective if you contact myself as I will most likely be able to get it fixed sooner.


If you have a suggestion for the plugin, I advise you to contact the plugin manager, (Sni_In_A_Box/Rossco5378) as he deals with suggestions and complaints for the plugin. He will soon be able to form a list for myself to code into the plugin in plausible. Thank you.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 24, 2013
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
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