VillagerWorkstationHighlights v1.14.1_1.0.4
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UploadedJan 28, 2022
Size86.70 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.18.1
- 1.18
- 1.17
- 1.16
- 1.15
- 1.14
Added lang files for English(en_US) and Nederlands(nl_NL)
tab complete now works with vwh or VWH
D3- Fixed langfile update check, fixed lang file not reloading on /vwh reload command.
D4- Added color code support for workstation and unemployed messages. Must use & character &e
D5-Shaded bStats Metrics using maven.
D6-Added ability to shift right click a workstation and have the villager whose jobsite is there to be highlighted with glowing.
Requires a compass, and the compass will point to the villager. To reset the compass to world spawn shift right click it on a non assigned job site.
D7-Added a particle to draw a line to the villager or workstation.