
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Welcome to the Vertigo plugin page. Vertigo is a plugin hoping to change the minecraft server experience, and It can't do that without your help. It is currently in beta, and It is time for the community to be part of the plugin. I want you to download this plugin, put it on your server, test it out, and then leave me a comment to say any suggestions or additions you think I should make. I reply to all of them, and i want to help you.

Thanks for downloading the plugin. If you want, you can post the IP of a server using vertigo in the comments.

Commands List -
/kick <Player> <Reason>: Kick’s a Player from the server
Permissions - vertigo.kick

/ban <Player> <Reason>: Ban’s A player
Permissions - vertigo.ban

/vanish or /v: Vanishes you from the other players (Hides armour aswell)
Permissions - vertigo.vanish

/warn <Player> <Reason>: Warn’s a Player
Permissions - vertigo.warn

/broadcast <Message>: Broadcast a message to the server.
Permissions - vertigo.broadcast

/info: Get information on the server (Server name, IP…)
Permissions -

/gm <0, 1, 2, s, c, a>: Changes your game mode.
Permissions: vertigo.gamemode

/who <Player>: Get information on a player.
Permissions - vertigo.who

/motd - View’s the server motd. (You can set this using /setmotd)
Permissions - vertigo.motd

/setmotd <Motd>: Set’s the motd.
Permissions - vertigo.motd

/tpall: Teleports all players on the server to your location.
Permissions - vertigo.tpall

/banuuid: *NOTE* Doesn't work ATM
Permissions - vertigo.banuuid

/tp <Player>: Teleport to a player
Permissions -

/spawn: Travel to spawn. (Spawn needs to be set using /setspawn)
Permissions - vertigo.spawn

/setspawn: Sets the world spawn.
Permissions - vertigo.setspawn

/heal <Player>: Heal’s you or another player.
Permissions- vertigo.heal

/feed <Player>: Feed you or another player.
Permissions - vertigo.feed

/list: List all the players on the server.
Permissions - vertigo.list


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 27, 2014
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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