JCVaultListener Configuration

JCVaultListener Configuration


This page describes configuration information for JCVaultListener 2.0 and greater. If you are looking for configuration information about VaultListener 1.1.5 or below, please see the VaultListener Configuration page.

JCVaultListener is a plugin - as opposed to its previous class file version - and gets configuration information from a standard config.yml file. The information presented on this page is similar to documentation comments found in the JCVaultListener Default Configuration File, but also includes support information and additional notes as they become evident.

Configuration Items

debug: [true | false]

Enable/disable debug mode. If enabled, diagnostic information containing current configuration information, vote processing, and payment calculations are sent to the server log. This should be enabled when you want to verify configurations or need more details about what is going on behind the scenes. Default: false.

checkPlayer: [true | false]

Enable/disable player checks. If enabled, votes received from players that have never logged onto the server will be ignored. If disabled, votes from any player will be accepted. Turn this option on if you are receiving excessive vote spam from top list sites. Bukkit determines a player's status from the existence of a corresponding player .dat file. If vote spams continue after enabling this feature, you will need to remove the offending player's .dat file located in the primary world directory. Default: false.

broadcastVote: [true | false]

Enable/disable broadcasting a configurable message to all online players whenever a vote is received for the server. Default: true.


This configuration section defines configurable messages. Messages can be made multi-line by including a newline character (\n). For example

confirm: "Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3"

configures a vote confirmation message to consist of three lines

Line 1
Line 2
Line 3

Multi-line messages must be enclosed in double quotes ("). Furthermore, color and font styles are applicable to a single line. For example, if you want all three lines in the above example to display as gold, you need to apply the gold style to each line as follows:

confirm: "&6Line 1\n&6Line 2\n&6Line 3"

It should also be noted that Minecraft chat displays are limited to a width of 55 characters in total. Lines longer than 55 characters are wrapped and color/font styles are not carried forward to subsequent lines.

confirm: "<text>"

Sets the vote confirmation message sent to an online player. Default: "Thanks {IGN}, for voting on {SERVICE}!"

payment: "<text>"

Sets a payment confirmation message sent to an online player after currency units have been added to a valid economy account. Default: "{AMOUNT} has been added to your {ECONOMY} balance."

broadcast: "<text>"

Sets a broadcast message that is sent to all online players when server receives a valid vote notification. Default: ""The server was voted for by {IGN}!".


This configuration section provides options to adorn currency values.

prefix: '<text>'

Sets prefix text to add before the currency amount (e.g. '$'). An empty string adds no prefix. Default: ''.

suffix: '<text>'

Sets suffix text to add after the currency amount (e.g. ' USD', ' Cubits', ' Shillings'). An empty string adds no suffix. Default: ''.


This configuration section is used to set rewards for different voting services. The default configuration is used when there isn't a more specific configuration for a voting service. For example, the following configuration

    type: fixed
    amount: 30.0
    rate: 0.01
    type: fixed
    amount: 50.0
    rate: 0.01

will reward players 50 currency units when voting on Minestatus and 30 currency units when voting on other vote services.


This is the default configuration used when no specific vote service configuration is given. If the default configuration is not given, JCVaultListener will reward 30 currency units for each received vote.

type: [fixed | rate]

Sets the reward type. If set to fixed, each player receives a fixed reward as set by amount:. If set to rate, each player is rewarded a percentage (as set by rate:) of their current balance or the fixed amount, whichever one is greater. Default: fixed

amount: <units>

Sets the number of fixed currency units to pay for each vote or the minimum currency units to play for rate-based rewards. If reward is to be strictly based on a rate without a minimum reward, set this to 0.00. Default: 30.00

rate: <rate>

Sets the percentage of a player's balance to be used as a reward. Rate ranges from 0.00 to 1.00. E.g. 1.0 = 100%, 0.50 = 50%, 0.0075 = 0.75%. The rate is only applied if type: is set to fixed. Default: 0.01

Custom rewards

Custom reward configurations can be added for different voting services. Each voting service is identified by its SERVICE_NAME as given in the vote notification. Please note: this name is set by the voting service not JCVaultListener. If you are not sure what to use, contact the voting service and ask. The following list contains some SERVICE_NAME values for popular voting services.


If you come across other voting services, please feel free to drop a comment on the main page or submit a Ticket. We'll gladly add it to this list. Please make sure to provide the website address and SERVICE_NAME they use.

If you comes across a SERVICE_NAME that contains spaces or other special symbols outside of dashes ('-'), underscores ('_'), or periods ('.'), you'll want to enclose its identifier in quotes. For example, assume a voting service that uses the following SERVICE_NAME

Awesome & Best Votes!!

its vote configuration would be as follows:

  'Awesome & Best Votes!!':
    type: fixed
    amount: 100.00
    rate: 0.00

Supplemental Information

Message Color/Font Styles

All configurable messages support basic Bukkit chat colors and font styles. To change colors, insert the appropriate color tag.


Message Tokens

Custom messages can include four different message tokens. These tokens are replaced with their corresponding value as described below:

The reward amount paid adorned by prefix: & suffix: settings
The name of the economy plugin Vault detected and will use to make payments.
The name of the voting server, e.g. Minestatus, MCSL, etc.
The in-game-name used by the voter.