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What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel? Please add seperate placeholders for X, Y, and Z, for compatibility with plugins that require coordinates seperate.Please provide any additional information below. Preferably for all 3 location placeholders, example: <triggerlocx> <triggerlocy> <triggerlocz> or <currentlocx:> <currentlocy:> <currentlocz:>Thanks for the awesome plugin!
This would also be helpful if you wanted to do different things based on if someone was in front/behind or above/below a click trigger.
You have to power to write your own script to scan through a string and check character by character to manipulate strings. with
@GETSTRLEN and <getchar:string:index>
use @SETSTR $temp.str <triggerloc> @STRLENGTH $temp.length $temp.str
now loop through the string and parce to get what you want with
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