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What steps will reproduce the problem? 1.Create a Command Trigger
igate: Override: true Script: - ' @IF s <cmdarg:1> = open' - ' @PAUSE 0.10' - ' @SETBLOCK 0 <relativeloc:<cmdarg:2>:0,0,0>' - ' @SETBLOCK 0 <relativeloc:<cmdarg:2>:0,1,0>' - ' @SETBLOCK 0 <relativeloc:<cmdarg:2>:0,2,0>' - ' @SETBLOCK 0 <relativeloc:<cmdarg:2>:0,0,1>' - ' @SETBLOCK 0 <relativeloc:<cmdarg:2>:0,1,1>' - ' @SETBLOCK 0 <relativeloc:<cmdarg:2>:0,2,1>' - ' @SETBLOCK 0 <relativeloc:<cmdarg:2>:0,0,-1>' - ' @SETBLOCK 0 <relativeloc:<cmdarg:2>:0,1,-1>' - ' @SETBLOCK 0 <relativeloc:<cmdarg:2>:0,2,-1>' - ' @SOUND ZOMBIE_DESTROY_DOOR <relativeloc:<cmdarg:2>:0,0,0>' - ' @ENDIF' - ' @IF s <cmdarg:1> = close' - ' @PAUSE 0.10' - ' @SETBLOCK 101 <relativeloc:<cmdarg:2>:0,0,0>' - ' @SETBLOCK 101 <relativeloc:<cmdarg:2>:0,1,0>' - ' @SETBLOCK 101 <relativeloc:<cmdarg:2>:0,2,0>' - ' @SETBLOCK 101 <relativeloc:<cmdarg:2>:0,0,1>' - ' @SETBLOCK 101 <relativeloc:<cmdarg:2>:0,1,1>' - ' @SETBLOCK 101 <relativeloc:<cmdarg:2>:0,2,1>' - ' @SETBLOCK 101 <relativeloc:<cmdarg:2>:0,0,-1>' - ' @SETBLOCK 101 <relativeloc:<cmdarg:2>:0,1,-1>' - ' @SETBLOCK 101 <relativeloc:<cmdarg:2>:0,2,-1>' - ' @SOUND ZOMBIE_DESTROY_DOOR <relativeloc:<cmdarg:2>:0,0,0>' - ' @ENDIF'
2. /igate close -753,65,850
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? The command should take an argument of open or close and take a second argument of the location i.e -753,65,850 to base the relative location on to preform the rest of the function.
What version of the product are you using? Spigot 1.6.2 #1056 VariableTriggers v1.2.6
Do you have an error log of what happened?
Please provide any additional information below.
<relativeloc:arg1:arg2> Replace arg1 with a location, replace arg2 with a relative location This will be replaced with a new location relative to arg1 by arg2. As an example: <relativeloc:122,67,-218:5,-2,15> This would be replaced with 127,65,203 <relativeloc:$obj.var:20,0,3> or <relativeloc:<triggerloc>:5,-2,15>
Can This not use <cmdarg:index>?
I understand i could create a object and variable and then remove the variable with @DELVAR as soon as it has finished but that seems a bit redundant seeing as the <relativeloc:arg1:arg2> should be able to accept <cmdarg:index> just as well as <triggerloc>.
This is the first paragraph you see on the page. I have underlined the important part.
Quote:Functional Place Holders are similar to Place Holders except they are replaced at the time they are executed in the script and most of them take one or more arguments. $object.Variable and <placeholders> may be used as arguments. You may not use a Functional Place holder inside another Functional Place Holder.
Functional Place Holders are similar to Place Holders except they are replaced at the time they are executed in the script and most of them take one or more arguments. $object.Variable and <placeholders> may be used as arguments. You may not use a Functional Place holder inside another Functional Place Holder.
Store it in a variable and use the variable
@SETSTR $temp.pos <cmdarg:2> @SETBLOCK 0 <relativeloc:$temp.pos:0,0,0>
although it would a good idea to name your variables to be protected from another player using the same script at the same time and contaminating the variable something like
this way this variable is script and player specific.
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