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What steps will reproduce the problem?1.Write an EventTrigger for BlockBreak implying checking the area at the player's position (as said below).2.Break the said block (here, a stone in the Ressources map in the area "underground", while being at least citizen on my server)
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?I expected the script to choose a number and if it's a winning one, reward the player. It works, but aditionally, the console spams down the player's Y location. Also, I tried to change <playerloc> into <triggerloc>, but it just shows the broken block's Y instead...
What version of the product are you using?latest (1.2.6 i do believe)
Do you have an error log of what happened?Nope. No error report showed up. Just a stupid "[INFO] <numberhere>" spamming all the way...
Please provide any additional information below.My code is short so i'll write it down there:
Ressources: BlockBreak: CoolDown: 0 Script: - '@IF si <getarea:<playerloc>> = underground' - '@IF b <> = true' - '@IF i <blockid> = 1' - ' @SETINT $ <random1to:1000>' - ' @IF i $ = 1' - ' @CMDOP citem get repulsion-bomb <random1to:6>' - ' @PLAYER &a[&dRandomite&a] &6Vous trouvez une randomite contenant &edes bombes à répulsion&6!' - ' @ENDIF' - ' @IF i $ = 1' - ' @DROPITEM 266 <random1to:7> NONE <triggerloc>' - ' @PLAYER &a[&dRandomite&a] &6Vous trouvez une randomite contenant &edes lingots d''or&6!' - ' @ENDIF' - ' @IF i $ = 1' - ' @DROPITEM 384 5 NONE <triggerloc>' - ' @PLAYER &a[&dRandomite&a] &6Vous trouvez une randomite contenant &edes bouteilles d''XP&6!' - ' @ENDIF' - '@ENDIF' - '@ENDIF' - '@ENDIF'
<p>This is the console shortly after digging down through the Ressource map.</p>
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