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These are actually two issues, that might have the same origin.When using @TP in a script, I want to check before tping that the player is in the correct world, by using /world 0 for instance and tp him into world.However, @TP will then tp you back into the world you were before.
When triggering a script, <playerloc> will keep the same value throughout the same script run instance.
These issues might be connected, as VT doesn't seem to update the players position while the script runs, tping him back into the nether, as the Plugin thinks he is still in there.
Script that wont work for instance: - '@PLAYER Please stand still for three seconds' - '@SETSTR $temp.tploc_<playername> <playerloc>' - '@LOOP 30' - '@PAUSE 0.1' - '@IF s $temp.tploc_<playername> != <playerloc>' - '@PLAYER &cYou moved, teleportation aborted' - '@SETBOOL $temp.tplocb_<playername> true' - '@BREAKLOOP' - '@ENDIF' - '@ENDLOOP' - '@IF b $temp.tplocb_<playername> = false' - '@TP 0,100,0' - '@ENDIF'
Create another script ONLY with @TP command and use
-'@CMDOP vt run yourscript:scriptwithonlytp <playername>'
Replace 'yourscript' and 'scriptwithonlytp' ! Now VT use correct world ! It works ! I use this technique in many scripts in my own /home /tp /warp commands !
I can confirm this issue. This issue is actually about the world not being updated after a teleport. Strangely enough the @TP function also teleports to a world.
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