VariableTriggers v1.0.8
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UploadedJun 20, 2012
Size79.25 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.2.5-R4.0
- Fixed Exception Issue that was caused when a player who triggerd a script logged off while script was running.
Added In-Game Commands
/vtrigger savetriggers | Aliases vt savetriggers Saves only the trigger data to YML files. |
Usage /vtrigger savetriggers | |
/vtrigger reloadtriggers | Aliases vt reloadtriggers Reloads only the trigger data from YML files. |
Usage /vtrigger reloadtriggers | |
/vtrigger reloadscripts | Aliases vt reloadscripts Reloads only the sepatate file.script.yml files. |
Usage /vtrigger reloadscripts | |
/vtrigger autosave | Aliases vt autosave Pause or Resume autosaveing of data to YML files. |
Usage /vtrigger autosave | |
Added Script Commands
@LIGHTNING | Creates lightning strike at location, CauseDamage = true | false |
@EXPLOSION | Creates an explosion at location. power=0.0 to 4.0 A power of 0.0 will give effect but no damage. |
@CALL | Runs another script from within a script. |
Usage: @CALL [FILE:SCRIPT] | |
FILE is the file without the | |
@SETBLOCK | Sets the location to the sepcified block ID |
Added Fuctional Place Holders
<relativeloc:arg1:arg2> | Replace arg1 with a location, replace arg2 with a relative location |
This will be replaced with a new location relative to arg1 by arg2. As an example: | |
<relativeloc:122,67,-218:5,-2,15> This would be replaced with 127,65,203 | |
<relativeloc:$obj.var:20,0,3> or <relativeloc:<triggerloc>:5,-2,15> | |
New Feature: Separate Script Files
You can also save scripts in separate files filename.script.yml that are auto loaded at startup. VariableTriggers will search for files with .script.yml extension and load to memory for fast access from the interpreter. This in conjunction with the new <relativeloc:arg1:arg2> will allow you to write reusable scripts relative to the <triggerloc> or <playerloc>
To exicute these additional scripts you will use the script command:
@CALL [filename:script]
from within your scripts to run other scripts. for the filename argument do not use the extension. filename.script.yml
This in conjunction with the new <relativeloc:arg1:arg2> will allow you to write reusable scripts relative to the <triggerloc> or <playerloc>
To exicute these additional scripts you will use the script command:
@CALL [filename:script]
from within your scripts to run other scripts. For the filename argument do not use the extension. filename.script.yml
You may call as many scripts from within a script as needed as long as you dont call a depth greater than 20. In other words Calling a script from a scipt is a depth of 1 and if that script calls a script your at depth 2 and so on...
If you call a script that calls a script that calls a script ( depth 3) and that script ends so your back at depth 2 and call another script your only depth 3 again. Get it?
- Added Comments
- Start your line with
- - '
This is a comment line and will be ignored.'
- Start your line with
- Added <issprinting> PlaceHolder. Will replace with boolean true or false depending on if the triggering player is sprinting at the moment the trigger was triggered.
- Added <health> Placeholder. Will replace with an integer of the triggering players health at the moment the trigger was triggered
- Added New Feature Functional Place Holders These work just like normal placeholders except some may take an argument and the replacement is done at the time in the script that the Functional Place Holder is interpreted.
- <haspermission:argument> Replace argument with a permission node as in some.node
- <haspotioneffect:argument> Replace argument with the name of a Potion Effect
- <currentloc:> No argument
- <random0to:argument> Replace argument with an integer number
- <random1to:argument> Replace argument with an integer number
- <health:> No argument
- <issneaking:> No argument
- <issprinting:> No argument
- Fixed @SETSTR bug.
- Fixed issue of the first time you run VariableTriggers and reload server before first auto save. This was causing the loss of trigger data.
- Fixed @TOGGLEBLOCK to work with $obj.var for location
- Usage: @TOGGLEBLOCK [itemID] [location]
- Added the ability to use decimal with @PAUSE and @COOLDOWN
- @PAUSE 2.5 - will pause f0r 2 1/2 seconds
- @PAUSE 0.1 - will pause for 1 tenth of a second
- OBJECTVARIABLE - An $object.variable to save the count in
- ENTITY - The entity you want to get the count of ZOMBIE, CREEPER, COW, PLAYER and so on...
- RADIUS - The radius in blocks from the triggering player to check
- Usage: @GETENTITYCOUNT $<this>.count ZOMBIE 10
- This checks for ZOMBIE's in a 10 block radius of the triggering player and saves the the number of zombies found on the trigger object in a variable named count.
- Fixed a few other minor bugs .
- Added @CMDCON command to scripting - This is in responce to a request about PEX. This will execute a command as if it were type at the server consol.
- Added MaxBackups option to config.yml - This sets the maximum number of backup files per data type stored in the backup folder.
- Fixed @POOF, @SMOKE, @FLAMES, @SOUND to work with location variable set with /vtrigger setloc
- Added /vtrigger setloc - This will allow the creation of an $Object.Variable that stores the current position and orientation. Can then be used in script as a location as in @TP $loc.warp2 or @ENTITY ZOMBIE 3 $Castle.loc1
- Added /vtwalkview and /vtclickview - This will allow you to view the script on an existing trigger.
- Fixed a couple minor permission issues
- Fixed some syntax errors
- New Release