
Permissions as of V0.5

/afkvanillaplus.afkSets you afk status. (AFK = Away From Keyboard)
/broadcast <message>vanillaplus.broadcastBroadcasts a message to the server. Color can be configured in the config.yml
/ban <player>vanillaplus.banBans a player.
/unban <player>vanillaplus.unbanUnbans a player.
/give <player> <id> (amount)vanillaplus.giveGive someone an item, if the amount isn't given it will give 1. This doesn't support itemnames yet!
/gm (player)vanillaplus.gamemode & vanillaplus.gamemode.otherChange the gamemode from the player if given else change your gamemode.
/god (player)vanillaplus.god & vanillaplus.god.otherMake someone enter godmode. Godmode disables all damage.
/heal (player)vanillaplus.heal & vanillaplus.heal.otherHeal and feed someone.
/home, /sethome...vanillaplus.homeTeleport to your home and set your home.
/kick <player>vanillaplus.kickKick a player from the server.
/listvanillaplus.listDisplay the online players.
/motdvanillaplus.motdDisplays the message of the day. (Configurable in the config.yml)
/tp <player> (player)vanillaplus.teleport & vanillaplus.teleport.other & vanillaplus.teleport.nodelayTeleport to someone or make someone else teleport to someone. The nodelay permission node will bypass the delay when teleporting.
/tphere <player>vanillaplus.teleport.otherTeleport someone to you.
/spawnvanillaplus.spawnTeleport to the world's spawn. (No global spawn supported yet.)
/setspawnvanillaplus.spawn.setSet the world's spawn. (No global spawn supported yet.)
/time (day/night)vanillaplus.time & vanillaplus.time.setChecks what time it is or set the time to day/night.
/warp <name>vanillaplus.warpTeleport to a warp.
/setwarp <name>vanillaplus.warp.setSet a warp if it doesn't already exists.
/overwritewarp, /cancelwarpvanillaplus.warp.overwriteWhen setting a warp you can overwrite an existing warp.