
Set item prices the easy way.

What it does:
This a very simple plugin made for convenience. It calculates the price of an item using the prices of the items used to craft it. Clean and simple. The advantage of having this plugin is that if something ever gets a better value, then all you need to do is set the new price for the item, and anything that uses it will also raise/lower in value.

Here's an example:
If notch were to suddenly do an update that makes wheat OP, then you would normally have to set the new price of every item that uses wheat as a crafting ingredient. Well with this plugin, all you have to do is set the new price of wheat, and everything that uses it as a crafting ingredient will be affected by the new price.

The main idea of this plugin is to make server administrators less of a burden to place the prices on store items, since all this plugin does is show you the value.

Main features:

  • Calculates the price of an item using the prices of the items used to craft it.
  • Since it only uses 'raw' items, you only need to set up the price for about 1/4 of the total amount of items in Minecraft. Don't worry, There's a default configuration with prices set up by me, so you only need to modify if you feel like it ;)
  • Make selling signs that use the values of only raw items to calculate the price of all the items in Minecraft.

How it works:
To get the price of an item, simply hold the item in your hand and type '/value'. The total price is multiplied by the amount held.

To make a Value sign, type in a sign as follows:

Item ID*

* These two options only apply to buying

Now anyone with the* permission will be able to sell/buy anything they want by right-clicking this sign. I only made the sign as a little 'extra', but buying/selling is not the main focus of this plugin.


  • /value - Tells you the price of the held item
  • /value sell - Sells the held item for the price calculated by Value. Also takes into account the price drop set in the configuration.
  • /value setworth - Sets the prices of the worth.yml of the Essentials plugin to the prices in Value
  • /value reload - Updates the prices of raw items in the configuration file.

The configuration file:
The configuration will be generated in the plugin folder when you first run the server with the plugin. Just read the comments and you will know what to do.


  • value.command.value - Permission to use the /value command.
  • - Permission to use the /value help command.
  • value.command.setworth - Permission to use the /value setworth command.
  • value.command.sell- Permission to use the /value sell command.
  • value.command.reload - Permission to use the /value reload command.
  • - Permission to sell things with the sell sign.
  • - Permission to buy things with the buy sign.
  • value.sign.sell - Permission to create/break sell signs.
  • - Permission to create/break buy signs.


  • Vault
  • An economy plugin


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 18, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Sep 2, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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