UUID Check

General Overview

UUID is a plugin I made to help Admins and Developers get a player's UUID! One simple command allows you to get a player's UUID sequence!

What is a UUID?

As of Minecraft version 1.7.7, we now have to use UUID's to track players instead of their name, because in 1.8 Mojang apparently is allowing players to change their names, meaning they have to use UUID's instead of a players name, because their name will be able to be changed.

A UUID (Universally Unique Identification) is a sequence of characters that are distinct to one player.

How will this plugin help?

Lots of plugins remember user data with their player name. Now, since players names will be able to change, we must switch over to using UUIDs. Now if you want to manually add permissions to a user, or manually configure them, you must know their UUID. With this plugin, you can easily grab their ID!


/uuidChecks your UUIDuuid.check.self
/uuid <player>Check another players UUIDuuid.check.others

Upcoming Features

  • Search by UUID to return player name


I am up for suggestions! Leave some feedback by replying below, or tweeting me @triger545


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 9, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Apr 17, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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