

debugblocks'false'Block place debug option.
removebannedblockonclick'false'Will remove banned block from world on player try to interact.
removebannedifcancelled'false'Will not remove banned blocks from world if event is cancelled.
checkupdatestrueEnable and Disable(true/false) updates checker.
bannedwordsignore2This is a quantity of letters will be ignored on banned words detection system (recommended 2).
joinmsgdisablethis is a message will be shown for player on login (disable for disable, ex: joinmsg: disable).
forkickedmsg'![kicker] Has kicked you, reason: ![kickreason].'this is a message will be shown for player kicked (disable for disable, ex: forkickedmsg: disable).
bannedblocks[]List of banned blocks.
bannedwords[]List of banned words
bannedcmds[]List of banned cmds.
msg.error'§e[UtilityPlugin] §cError, verify command syntax.'Error message.
msg.bannedblocks'§e[UtilityPlugin] §c[material] is banned.'Banned blocks msg.
msg.bannedword'§e[UtilityPlugin] §c[message] will be not showed because contains a banned word.'Banned word msg.
msg.bannedcmd'§e[UtilityPlugin] §c[command] is banned.'Banned command msg.
msg.spammer'§e[UtilityPlugin] §cPLEASE DON'T SPAM.'Spam commit message
opt.detectspammerstrueDetect spammers
opt.maxcharrepeat3Max char the player can repeate on chat (Recommended 3).


OptionEntriesReplace With
JoinMsg![player], ![world], ![player:entityid]Player, World, Player Entity ID
ForKickedMsg![kicker], ![player], ![kickreason]Kicker, Player, Reason
msg.bannedblocks<material>Material Name.
msg.bannedword<message>Message sended.
msg.bannedcmd<command> = Banned command.


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