Interesting Hat Ideas #1

  • Enhancment
  • Replied
Assigned to devil_boy512
  • _ForgeUser8272293 created this issue Jan 17, 2012

    I thought of some neat hats to suggest. You won't hurt my feelings by turning them down, though; I don't know about Java coding, so I don't know how hard each action is.

    -pro: damage enemies while standing next to them
    -con: does not add on to melee` damage
    -con: exhaustion level from walking, jumping, and sprinting is slightly increased

    -pro: sneaking on dirt, grass, or wood keeps most mobs from noticing you and attacking
    -pro/con: creepers are attracted to you
    -con: hat breaks upon taking damage
    -con: damage from fire, lava, or explosions is increased by 6 points (3 hearts)

    Huge Mushroom (red or brown):
    -pro: makes compass point toward nearest mushroom island biome
    -con: lessens visibility (There are multiple ways to do that, right? I don't know which would be best.)
    -con: double suffocation damage

    Wool (any color, or maybe just white):
    -pro: softens unarmed damage from zombies, endermen, slimes, and unarmed (no pickaxes, axes, or swords) players by 2 points (no effect for "edged" damage, which cuts through)
    -con: fire/lava contact damage is increased by 4 points and results in the hat breaking

    Dragon Egg:
    -pro: halves damage from enderdragon
    -con: hat breaks if worn while an enderdragon is killed

  • _ForgeUser8272293 added the tags New Enhancment Jan 17, 2012
  • Devil_Boy512 posted a comment Jan 17, 2012

    The cactus pro you gave was exactly what I was considering, but I just put it to the side due to issues it can cause with efficiency. (The plugin would have to check every player and see if a mob was next to them. Would lag large servers.)

    Your leaves idea: We haven't considered leaves at all lately and yours sounds great. I think I'll implement it right after pistons because the coding shouldn't be too inefficient. I'm not sure about the creepers being attracted to you part. Did it have anything to do with the color green?

    I haven't looked into it yet, but the compass pointing at the nearest mushroom biome thing might be tough to implement.

    Your idea on wool might possibly reduce the utility of the spawner hat. The current plan is to make it negate fall damage once, but break upon doing so.

    When playing around, we found out that the enderdragon egg, when placed on the head, looked like a fancy visor. Do you think you have any ideas about how we can make an effect relate to the visor?

  • Devil_Boy512 removed a tag New Jan 17, 2012
  • Devil_Boy512 added a tag Waiting Jan 17, 2012
  • Devil_Boy512 posted a comment Jan 18, 2012

    Actually, the negate fall damage one won't be wool, but rather snow.

  • Devil_Boy512 removed a tag Waiting Jan 18, 2012
  • Devil_Boy512 added a tag Replied Jan 18, 2012
  • _ForgeUser8272293 posted a comment Jan 21, 2012

    Cactus: Ah, right. That makes sense. Too bad.

    Leaves: Indirectly, yes. Creepers are supposed to have a "camouflage" look; you just can't tell with most texture packs because Notch didn't exactly make them look very similar to grass and leaves. xD It doesn't help that everyone knows what creepers look like and are always on the lookout for them. Anyway, the whole idea is that it's a camo hat that doesn't work on creepers because they're camo, too. Aside from that, it's easily broken (It's friggin' LEAVES...) and causes heightened burn damage because leaves are so flammable (even though they can't be burnt in furnaces). The cons are mainly to balance out the fact that the only other con, the attraction of creepers, could be as much a pro as anything.

    Huge mushroom: Understandably so. If it can't be done, don't worry about it too much.

    Wool/Snow: I like the idea of the fall damage reduction by snow, so does that put wool back on the table?

    Dragon Egg: Oh, really? Cool. Well, I know that there was this one night vision mod, but it lost its effectiveness after an update sometime in Beta... What about making an HUD that works in the End to keep track of the enderdragon? Sometimes, when that bastage comes in for a slam and flies off, players with low vision settings may easily lose their target. Problem solved. If you can augment the compass program, like with the huge mushroom, it could make compasses always point at the nearest enderdragon. Alternatively, if tracking a mob is too much, but compass redirection can be done, it could point you to the nearest stronghold. If you're really ambitious, you may consider a view upgrade that allows you to track endermen teleportations. Example: An enderman teleports away. For the next four seconds, you see a purple line that leads between its former and present destination. This would only work in the player-centered chunk update area (present chunk and 7 in each direction) so that it wouldn't cause lag by filling in tons of purple lines for endermen that you can't possibly see, of course.

  • Devil_Boy512 posted a comment Jan 23, 2012

    @NoahIvaldi: Go

    Yea I think I'll try implementing the leaves idea.

    But the snow one, because of its simplicity will likely come first.

    Yes wool is back on the table, but we need to be careful about it because of how easily wool can be obtained. Plus I think I want to hold off a bit on it so we can have a large repository of ideas for it.

    Compasses can be edited to point to certain locations. I think we can try having it point to the nearest enderman in the overworld, nearest blaze in the nether, and nearest enderdragon in the end. Or something along those lines. Getting the nearest anything is the most inefficient part though :/

    The reason more hats haven't been getting pumped out lately is because we're still trying to get the demonstration videos up and I've been too lazy to get the voice overs done. XD

  • _ForgeUser8272293 posted a comment Jan 25, 2012

    @Devil_Boy: Go

    Leaves: Sweet.

    Snow: I had figured as much. The order doesn't bother me in any case, 'cause the server that I'm helping to get started doesn't have space for non-essentials, so we won't be using this until after we get the donations to get onto a better server. If you know some players whom are eager to donate to a server that will eventually be the absolute best (There are fair donor benefits, by the way!), send them my way! xD

    Wool: Yeah, that's why I suggested only a 2-point difference; one heart less damage from zombies, endermen, and slimes isn't going to exactly revolutionize the game. If it helps, the three hardest wool colors to get are as follows: Light grey: You first must get an ink sac, which involves killing a squid. Many people are still scared/creeped out by squids or just find them to be more trouble than they're worth. Then, you need two bone meals, which is just a little annoying. Magenta: One lapis lazuli and a rose for the purple dye is no big deal, and neither is the second rose and one bone meal, but putting them together just makes magenta a slightly more expensive and harder-to-craft dye than others. Cyan: If you can't get your hands on some cacti, green dye is hard to get, and if you tack on a lapis lazuli, it can be an ass-pain. The fact that cactus green requires burning doesn't help.

    Compasses: Then, rather than pointing at "the nearest" whatever, why not have admins pre-set locations, so they could make the huge mushrooms point to mushroom biomes/mooshroom farms of their choices, while dragon eggs could point to the end portals/strongholds/end bases of their choices. Oh, wait, probably not bases in the end; isn't it hard-coded for compasses to go haywire in the End and Nether, or could that be readily augmented?

    Haha, like I said, I'm in no rush.

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