

Download Unscramble: v4.0
Source Code: GitHub

Make sure you have Vault and Essentials installed!

When updating to 4.0, delete your old config file and allow the plugin (Version 4.0) to generate a new one.

Description And Features

Unscramble is a fun game for your players to play. You enter a word, such as "diamond," and the plugin will scramble it for you and display the scrambled word to the general population of the server. All the players have to do is enter their guess into chat as many times as they want. The first person to correctly unscramble the word will get the reward you set.

Use "/us newgame w:[word] p:<prize> a:<amount> t:<Timer> h:<hint-interval> c:<category>" to start a new game


Permissions Support (Vault)

Unscramble uses Vault to look all of the following Permissions plugins:

  • Permissions 3
  • bPermissions
  • PEX
  • GroupManager
  • PermissionsBukkit
  • zPermissions

Vault is required for this plugin to work. Check out their page and download vault with the link below. Dev Page: Vault Dev Page

Perm Nodes And Commands

Perm NodeAssociated CommandDescription
unscramble.welcome/unscrambleThe little welcome message and version number displayed
unscramble.help/unscramble helpThe help menu that has all the commands
unscramble.reload/unscramble reloadReload both the config.yml and extra.yml files
unscramble.setscrambleseparately/unscramble setscrambleseparately [true/false]Sets the Scramble-Words-Separately to true/false
unscramble.hint/unscramble hintGives a hint on the current word.
unscramble.cancel/unscramble cancelCancels the current game.
unscramble.claim/unscramble claimGives perm to claim your prize
unscramble.newgame/unscramble newgame w:[word]Starts a new game.
unscramble.newgame.prize.# or unscramble.newgame.prize.*/unscramble newgame w:[word] p:<prize>Gives perm for a certain item ID (Ie, 264) or for ALL prizes
unscramble.newgame.amount/unscramble newgame w:[word] a:<amount>Gives perm for the a: tag
unscramble.newgame.timer/unscramble newgame w:[word] t:<timer>Gives perm for the t: tag
unscramble.newgame.hintinterval/unscramble newgame w:[word] h:<hint-interval>Gives perm for the h: tag
unscramble.newgame.category/unscramble newgame w:[word] c:<category>Gives perm for the c: tag


example1 In this one, a game was created (The word being "minecraft") and no one guessed it. The time ran out and the game expired.

example2 Just the two lines of a new game being created.

example3 In this one, the game was created and I happened to guess the word being time expired. There was a short announcement of my win, and a diamond was added to my inventory.

example4 Here, I did multiple guesses, but didn't spell the word correctly on the first couple of attempts. This also demonstrates how the admin running the game can use /us hint to reveal random letter in the word.


The main command of the game is the /us newgame command. The syntax is: /us newgame w:[word] p:<prize> a:<amount> t:<Timer> h:<hint-interval> c:<category>

[] is mandatory, <> is optional

Word (w:) - The word is the word or phrase you want to play unscramble with. Enter word in it's unscrambled form. If you want to enter a multiple word phrase, use underscores instead of spaces. For example: /us newgame multiple_word_phrase 264 1. FOR A RANDOM WORD, USE THE WORD "RANDOM"

Prize (p:) - The prize is what the winnder will receive when they correctly unscramble the word/phrase. It currently only supports item ID NUMBERS. For example, 264 is the item ID for diamond. You can also enter "$" (Dollar Sign) to use currency as the prize. Using currency means you have to have a currency plugin such as EssentialsEco, iConomy, or BOSEconomy.

Amount (a:) - This is the amount of items or money that will be given. If you enter 264 for prize, and then 1 for amount, it will give 1 diamond. If you entered the dollar sign for prize, then this will be the amount. For example: /us newgame word_to_be_unscrambled $ 1000. This will give 1000 game currency upon it's completion.

Timer (t:) - This is an option component to the game. You can set a time variable that will count down. After time has finished, no more answers will be accepted. Time is in seconds only.

Hint Interval (h:) - This is an option to automatically give hints every X amount of seconds

Category (c:) - Is like a theme, or general area of what the word is. (IE, "c:cars" when the word is lambo)



Like what I do? Buy me a beer!

I put a lot of time into coding, testing, and updating my plugins. I even do specialized plugins for people when they PM me (For free). If you love my plugins, this is a way to say thank you.


Change Log

Version 4.0 (June 7th, 2015)

  • Big update!
  • Added automatic games
  • New way of storing words for random games
  • Equations to determine rewards based on number of letters in words
  • Added a config file
  • Support for spigot 1.8.7

Version 3.0 (October 26th, 2012)

  • Increased delay of "congrats" message
  • Added /us claim with perm node
  • Added auto hints
  • Added category/theme variable
  • Added auto update check
  • Fixed $ problem

Version 2.1 (September 2nd, 2012)

  • Increased delay of "congrats" message
  • Fixed error with timer
  • Still problem with factions.

Version 2.0 (August 30th, 2012)

  • Fixed problem with Essentials Chat

Version 1.0 (July 27th, 2012)

  • Initial Release


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 27, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jun 7, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License


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