
This plug-in allows players to get experience in alternate ways to just killing mobs.

We all know there are some players that love gathering resources to make their precious buildings, but they don't like to mess with those evil creatures outside, so its impossible for them to get a nice enchant on their pickaxe to do cool stuff like mine faster, get more drops, etc.

This plug-in will give players experience while digging a hole and mining to gather those precious resources they need on their buildings. The amount of experience you get is easily configurable and so is the language.

Right now it supports the next blocks, but let me know if you would like me to add some more blocks to this list (with the default exp they give).

Stone: 0.1
Grass: 0.1
Dirt: 0.1
Gravel: 0.1
Cobble: 0.1
Mossy_Cobble: 0.2
Log: 0.2
Sand: 0.2
Sandstone: 0.2
Clay: 0.2
Coal: 1
Iron: 2
Gold: 3
Lapis: 5
Diamond: 15
Redstone: 3
Obsidian: 5
Netherrack: 0.1
Soul_Sand: 0.2
Glowstone: 1.5

As you can see values can be float, since giving 1 exp for every stone you break would get you to level 50 in just a few minutes. The plug-in will add the experience from each block to a pool and give it to the player as needed. So having 0.9 exp on your pool and then mining a Sandstone (+0.2 exp) will give the player 1 exp (You can't have partial points of exp) and his pool would remain with 0.1 exp.

Additionally to the exp system this plug-in comes with an Experience Bank system, players can store their experience safely. All you have to do is place a sign containing "expbank" on the first line, the plug-in is smart enough to read "[ExpBank]", "EXPBANK" or even "eseXpBankKaq", and thats it, no database required (for now?). With this sign the player is able to store his experience (not levels, like other buggy banks out there) or withdraw it when necessary to enchant some cool stuff.


Version 1.2.1
  • [NEW] Permission "UniversalExp.getexp" added. (players without this permission won't get exp mining)
  • [BUGFIX] Now its possible to break blocks next to an ExpBank, even if it is another ExpBank.
Version 1.2
  • [NEW] Permissions added.
Version 1.1.1
  • [BUGFIX] Players no longer store the same experience they had before enchanting an item.
Version 1.1
  • [NEW] Now it shows the total level s you have stored on the 4th line of the sign.
Version 1.0
  • Initial release.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 30, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Apr 2, 2012
  • Total Downloads
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