Languages and Translations

This plugin uses the LanguageAPI to support translations. You don't have to install that plugin to use the default language of English, but if you want to use other translations, setting your locale, you need to install the LanguageAPI plugin. The advantage is that, if multiple plugins support the LanguageAPI, you only need to one language command. Also supports players setting their own locale independent of the server's default.


Set your locale with the following commands, taking a ISO 3-character language code:

  • /locale <ISO>: Sets your personal display language preference
  • /serverlocale <ISO>: Sets the default server display language preference

Adding Languages

Put the "lang-<ISO>.yml" file into the plugins/Unbreakable/languages/ folder.

Translating Unbreakable Items

Here is "lang-eng.yml", the translation for the English language:

loggedoff: {0} logged off before we could give him his unbreakable {1}
noPerm: You don't have permission to enchant with §9Unbreakable§r books
enabled: Unbreakable in force, protecting tools and armor; by Filbert66
savedlog: Saved item {0} for {1}
failBukkit: unable to run; only compatible with {0}
needItem: §9Unbreakable§r: Need a repairable item in hand
saved: §9Unbreakable§r: Your {0} is now unbreakable
enchanted: {0} just enchanted a {1} with UNBREAKABLE
cancel: Unbreakable enchant cancelled
needXP: §9Unbreakable§r: Insufficient XP
bookLore1: storing 'Unbreakable'
bookLore2: will auto-enchant after {0}s when
bookLore3: in anvil with Repairable
bookLore4: enchant cost: {0}
removed: §9Unbreakable§r: all items are breakable in {0}

added in version 4.6

gone: §9Unbreakable§r: Your {0} is now breakable
failSpigot: unable to run; since 1.9+ require Spigot

You can translate it into another language and save it as "lang-???.yml" where ??? is the 3-letter ISO language code for that language as can be found here: ISO 639-2 Lanugage Code List. In the case of languages with multiple 3-letter codes, you should save a copy as each code.

Please submit your translations here as a comment for others to use; I will note you as a Translator (which will appear in your Bukkit status) and I will also see about distributing with future versions. To submit translations, use the format below:

File name(s): lang-???.yml, lang-???.yml and so on for every multiple
<<code yaml>>
[contents of your lang-???.yml file]


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