
Logo UltraBasics

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  • UltraBasics. A plugin with only basics. Every server owner hates the command /gamemode ChunkMe 1. Thats why you should use UltraBasics, its much easyer, only /c ChunkMe! UltraBasics has an huge bunch of commands what every server need. Its a really handy bukkit plugin. Any ideas for new commands? Tell it to us! You can place a ticket. Any bugs? Create a ticket! Help from the community? Post a comment! Help from us? Create a ticket!

Ticket managers

We are searching for ticket managers! If you want to answer all our tickets. reply! Here are some things you have to get:

  • You are living in the Netherlands (Nederland NL) and you can speak dutch
  • You have time to skill this plugin to highlevel!
  • If you can this all, post a comment (If you are smart a ticket then you are sure i will read it)


You can install it simply dragging the Ultrabasics.jar file in youre bukkit/spigot plugin folder. Configuration file or folder from UltraBasics will not apear! THIS IS NOT AN ERROR!


If you would to donate that will be really nice! By donating we can make the plugin better and add a bunch of new features, see it as this is a free item in the shop and it is to proof if it tastes fine!


If we reache the 300 downloads before we reach one week of release? Than there comes a special update with one really COOL feature, otherwise it will be released some time later. I hope we can reach this.


Found a misspell? Contact me! Iam not the best one using the english language


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 7, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Apr 14, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License


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