Ultra-Death Swap



Kill your opponents from thousands of blocks away without even seeing them!

Following up on the creation of Ultra-Snowfall, made and approved by Generikb, I decided to go ahead and make the new game created by the master of redstone, SethBling

Death Swap is a PvP minigame that pits you against an opponent in survival Minecraft. After random intervals, you and your opponent will swap positions. Whoever dies first loses. That's SethBling's description... We've taken it a step further and decided to up the ante and make the game even funner with one simple change. You can configure how many players there are in the game! Also we've removed SethBling's need for a spectator so everyone can play! We've also made a load of other changes, see the features section below to see a list of everything that has been changed.



  • More than 2 people can play at a time.
  • No need for a spectator, everyone can play!
  • Configure the minimum and maximum time between swaps.
  • Automatic start teleportation with configurable distance.
  • Configurable length of damage resistance after teleporting.
  • You can go to the Nether & End.
  • Spectator mode when you die, or login during a game.
  • Large biomes are recommended.


Setting up the plugin

Setting up is very simple, you can just put the plugin into the /plugins/ folder, and start the game using a command listed below! There is a configuration file, in case you want special settings.

There are no permissions, commands can be used by OPs and console.
/deathswap start - start a game
/deathswap resume - continue previously started game, will not teleport or reset players
/deathswap reload - reload configuration file

After the server starts for the first time, configuration file (config.yml) is created.

  minSwapTime: 25 # minimum swapping time (seconds)
  maxSwapTime: 90 # maximum swapping time (seconds)
  resistanceDuration: 6 # length of duration (seconds)
  spawnDistance: 1000 # distance between players when the game starts
  allowDrops: true # let players drop items when they die; set to 'false' if you want to reuse the world without leftover items from previous games
  startKit: "" # list of items to spawn with
# examples of startKit
# 46,1 = a TNT, and a stone block
# 351:9 = pink dye
# 10*4 = 10 pieces of cobblestone


Bugs? Errors? Problems? New Ideas?

If you find any bug/error please post a comment, or submit a ticket! You can also send me any ideas you have for this plugin.

[Bug] Boats, minecarts and other rideable entities prevent teleportation - fixed in b1.1



Video behind inspiration for the plugin, made by SethBling
This is not a video of the plugin itself. This is the inspiration behind the plugin. The video shows how Death Swap is played in Vanilla.

Alternate perspective of Death Swap from EthosLab This is SethBling opponent's perspective in the video above.



This plugin is meant to provide a quick and simple way of playing DeathSwap with your friends, there won't be any multiworld or permissions support and similar features to keep the plugin simple and easy to setup. If you want a more advanced plugin, check out DeathSwapCore. :)



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 22, 2013
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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