Ultimate Spawn
What is "Spawn"
Spawn is an elegant plugin that allows you to set the spawn of your server. This is best used on hub/minigame servers as it teleports players to spawn on join and death. Both of those features will be toggle able in the near future. You can easily set the spawn, check where the spawn is, and more. All of this has permissions, so do not worry
/spawn - Go to the spawn location
/setspawn - Set the spawn location
/spawnpos - Check where the spawn location is
/spawnreload - Reload config.yml
Defaulted to true
SpawnSetup: false - Will change to true once you have done /setspawn
X: 0 - X coordinate
Y: 0 - Y coordinate
Z: 0 - Z coordinate
Pitch: 0 - Pitch
Yaw: 0 - Yaw
World: world - The world that the spawn is in
Very nice, Thanks!
Great plugin BluePig! But I got question: could you add ability to do not spawn allways on spawn posision on join? Little option in config and... Boooya! It can be plugin for survival. In my opinion it is the easiest plugin for spawn ever. If you could only add this little option it would be great! Great regards CoreGameU3
Survival server (my own): mc.jaskorzynski.net
Great plugin, using it on my hub server!