
All color codes need to be 1-f and sandwiched between &&. Example &7&Testing. Therefore testing would be light grey.

## All messages support color codes!
not-allocated: Remaining skillpoint(s):&2& %d&f&

allocate-help: /%s %s [skillname] [amount] >> Allocate [amount] skillpoint to [skillname] skill

dislocate-help: /%s %s [skillname] [amount] >> Dislocate [amount] skillpoint from [skillname] skill

allocated: '&2&[UltimateLeveling] You have allocated&6& %2$d &2&skillpoint(s) to &6&%1$s&2&

not-enough-skillpoints: '&4&[UltimateLeveling] You don''t have enough skillpoint.'

skill-maxlevel: '&2&[UltimateLeveling] Skill is already reached max level.'

dislocated: '&2&[UltimateLeveling] You have dislocated&6& %2$d &2&skillpoint(s) from
  &6&%1$s&2& skill.'

no-more-skillpoint-on-skill: '&4&[UltimateLeveling] Skill don''t have more skillpoint
  on it.'

skills: '&2&--------- &4&Skills&2& ---------'

repair-need-level: '&4&[UltimateLeveling] You don''t have enough level to repair this
  item. Level need: &6& %d &f&'

repair-enchant-lost: '&4&[UltimateLeveling] Item''s mythical power is lost.'

repair-enchant-perfect: '&2&[UltimateLeveling] Item''s mythical power is stood.'

repair-need-item: '&4&[UltimateLeveling] You don''t have enough&6& %s &2&to repair

repair-cannot-repair-stacked: '&4&[UltimateLeveling] Repairing stacked items is not

repair-enchant-downgrade: '&4&[UltimateLeveling] Item''s mythical power is decreased.'

repair-at-full: '&4&[UltimateLeveling] Item is already have full durability.'

archery-headshot: '&2&***** HEADSHOT *****'

swordsmanship-enemy-bleeding: '&2&***** ENEMY BLEEDING *****'

axes-knockback: '&2&***** KNOCKBACK *****'

lumberjack-tree-fell: '&2&***** TREE FELL *****'

fishing-treasure-caught: '&2&***** TREASURE CAUGHT *****'

unarmed-critical-hit: '&2&***** CRITICAL HIT *****'

skillpoint-bought: '&2&[UltimateLeveling] You have successfully bought&6& %d &2&skillpoints
  for &6& %.2f &2& money.'

skillpoint-no-money: '&2&[UltimateLeveling] You don''t have enough to buy&6& %d&2&.
  It would cost&6& %.2f&2&.'

invalid-number: '&4&[UltimateLeveling] Invalid number.'

command-disabled-in-this-world: '&4&[UltimateLeveling] Commands are disabled in this

allocted-o: '&4&o'

non-allocted-o: o

skill-line: '&2&%s&f&: %s [&6& %d &f&/&6& %d &f&]'

skill-preparing: skill-preparing

skill-prepare-worn-off: skill-prepare-worn-off

lumberjack-skill-treefeller-activated: lumberjack-skill-treefeller-activated

skill-worn-off: skill-worn-off


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