Arthur De Witte

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

A simple all in commands plugin that is still under development.
This plugin is created to let you modify as much as possible in this plugin.
This plugin only has a few commands and an already very advanced config file.
Modify every command as you wish, edit permissions, message, prefix, ...

Currently, these are the commands that are included:

  • uc - help menu
  • bc - broadcast a message to your whole server!
  • sc - a private chat for your staff members!
  • ac - a private chat for your admins!
  • fly - toggle fly
  • gms, gmc, gma, gmsp - change gamemode

Other things that are included:

  • Fully customizable auto broadcasting! (alerts)

Current config file:

# ****************************************************************************** #
#                                UltimateCommands                                #
# ****************************************************************************** #

#    /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\  #
#  / /=======================================================================\ \ #
# | |                                 NOTES:                                 | | #
# \ \                                                                        \ \ #
# | | To ensure that the plugin runs like usual please follow the rules:     | | #
# \ \  - Save file as UTF-8                                                  \ \ #
# | |  - Indents correct                                                     | | #
# \ \  - Symbol in text? --> enclosed in single our double quotes            \ \ #
# | |  - If you want to write ' or " double type them. (I'm --> I''m)        | | #
# \ \  - Spaces in place of tabs.                                            \ \ #
# | |                                                                        | | #
# \ \ A '#' means that its commented, removing the '#' will let UC detect    \ \ #
# | | it, only remove it when '# example' stands above it or if you know     | | #
# \ \ what you're doing!                                                     \ \ #
# | |                                                                        | | #
# \ \=======================================================================/ /  #
#  \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/  #

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# This is the prefix that will be send before every message.                     #
# Feel free to customize this to your will!                                      #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
prefix: '&7[&e&lU&6&lC&7] &r'

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# These are the two states that will be used when an action has been turned on   #
# or off. If you want to keep everything organised keep the '&r' at the end of   #
# the string!                                                                    #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
  enabled: '&aenabled&r'
  disabled: '&4disabled&r'

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# Automatically broadcast a message to everyone every x seconds.                 #
# enabled - Should it broadcast?                                                 #
# time - The cycle time in seconds, eg: msg 1 --> 30 seconds --> msg 2           #
# messages - a list of messages, feel free to add some.                          #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
  enabled: true
  time: 60
        - '--------------------'
        - ''
        - 'This server runs on'
        - '&e&lUltimate&6&lCommands'
        - ''
        - '--------------------'
        - '--------------------'
        - ''
        - '&cCustomize this in the &econfig&c!'
        - ''
        - '--------------------'
   # example:
   # 3:
   #  message:
   #    - 'My cool message!'

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# Customize ALL your commands to perfection!                                     #
# Permission info:                                                               #
#   default - This allows all members to use that command.                       #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
  # The help menu of UltimateCommands!                                             #
  # permission - Allow only users with this permission to access the help menu!    #
  # messages - All the messages that will be sent to a user when the command has   #
  # been executed!                                                                 #
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    enabled: true
    permission: default
      - '&e&lU&eltimate &6&lC&6ommands&7 - &cHELP'
      - '&7This help menu will give a brief summary of all commands included!'
      - '&abc &7(&cmessage&7) &2- &rBroadcast a message to your whole server!'
      - '&asc &7(&cmessage&7) &2- &rSend a private message to your staff members!'
      - '&aac &7(&cmessage&7) &2- &rSend a private message to your admins!'
      - '&afly &7[&emember&7] &2- &rToggles fly for yourself or another member!'
      - '&agms &7[&emember&7] &2- &rPut yourself or another member in survival!'
      - '&agmc &7[&emember&7] &2- &rPut yourself or another member in creative!'
      - '&agma &7[&emember&7] &2- &rPut yourself or another member in adventure!'
      - '&agmsp &7[&emember&7] &2- &rPut yourself or another member in spectator!'
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
  # Allow a user to fly without gamemode.                                          #
  # Permissions:                                                                   #
  #   Self - Allow a user to change their flight state.                            #
  #   Others - Allow a user to change other people their flight state.             #
  # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #
  # Messages:                                                                      #
  #   message - The message that is send when executed successfully.               #
  #   targetmsg - The message that is send to the receiver. (target)               #
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    enabled: true
    message: 'Successfully {state} fly for &e{player.display_name}&r!'
    targetmsg: 'Your flight got {state} by {author}!'
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
  # Broadcast a message to your whole server!                                      #
  # prefix - The prefix of the broadcast message.                                  #
  # permission - The permission required for a member to be able to use broadcast. #
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    enabled: true
    prefix: '&7[&4ALERT&7] &r'
    permission: UC.broadcast
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
  # Change a user their gamemode!                                                  #
  # Permissions:                                                                   #
  #   Self - Allow a user to change their own gamemode. (Specific)                 #
  #   Others - Allow a user to change other people their gamemode. (Specific)      #
  # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #
  # Messages:                                                                      #
  #   message - The message that is send when executed successfully.               #
  #   already - The message that is send if the user is already in that gamemode.  #
  #   targetmsg - The message that is send to the receiver. (target)               #
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    enabled: true
    message: 'Successfully changed &e{player.display_name}&r their gamemode from {gamemode.last} to {}!'
    already: 'Oh, &e{player.display_name}&r is already in {gamemode.last}!'
    targetmsg: 'Your gamemode has been updated from {gamemode.last} to {} by &e{author}&r!'
      call: '&2survival&r'
        self: UC.gamemode.survival
        others: UC.gamemode.survival.others
      call: '&dcreative&r'
        self: UC.gamemode.creative
        others: UC.gamemode.creative.others
      call: '&eadventure&r'
        self: UC.gamemode.adventure
        pthers: UC.gamemode.adventure.others
      call: '&cspectator&r'
        self: UC.gamemode.spectator
        others: UC.gamemode.spectator.others
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
  # Staff-chat & Admin chat.                                                       #
  #   prefix - what stands before the private message.                             #
  #   permission - the permission required to send and see the private chat.       #
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    enabled: true
    prefix: '&7[&4Staff&7] &r'
    enabled: true
    prefix: '&7[&cAdmin&7] &r'

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# No category specific messages:                                                 #
#   unknownPlayer - Requested player is not online or doesn't exist.             #
#   noPerms - The requester doesn't have enough permission to execute this cmd.  #
#   unableToExecute - The requester can't execute this command. (EG console)     #
#   missingParam - The action requires an extra parameter that wasn't given.     #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
  unknownPlayer: '&4I could not find an online player called &7''&e{arg}&7''&4!'
  noPerms: '&4You do &lNOT&4 have enough permissions to execute this command!'
  unableToExecute: '&cYou are unable to execute this command!'
  missingParam: '&4Missing required parameter(s)!'





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