
A default configuration file should be created on first run of the plugin. For an explanation, see the comments below.

Default Configuration Explained

# Should players respawn at their /home?
  respawnToHome: true
# Does sleeping in a bed set home? 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled, 2 = enabled, /sethome command disabled.
  bedsCanSetHome: 0
# Can players sleep to set home in the day?
  bedsDuringDay: false
# Should we load map chunks ourself? (Some plugins do this already, e.g. BananaChunk)
  loadChunks: false
# The locale to use (set this to 'file' to load from
  locale: 'en'
# Should messages be coloured?
  useColors: true
# Should invites be enabled?
  enableInvite: true
# Should we look for uhome.deny? (Be careful using this and PEX!)
  enableDenyPerm: false
# Should the /sethome command be used?
  enableSetHome: true
# Should we log detailed debugging information? (Don't use this unless you need to!) 
  debugLog: false
# Should we download any of the needed libs automatically?
    enable: true
    mysqlLib: true
    sqliteLib: true
# Should we use mysql? If false, sqlite.
    enable: false
# The connection string to use. Replace 'minecraft' with the name of the database you want to use.
    connection: 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/minecraft'
# The mysql username and password - If your password contains numbers and/or special characters, make sure it is quoted with '.
    username: 'minecraft'
    password: 'password'
# The limits given to each permission node on the number of homes. A takes precedence over B, which overrides C, and so on.
  limitA: 0
  limitB: 20
  limitC: 15
  limitD: 10
  limitE: 5
  default: 3
# Should the timer permissions be used?
  timerByPerms: false
# Should timer permissions be added onto the default time?
  additionalTime: false
# Should we message the user when they can teleport again?
  cooldownNotify: false
# Should we message the user when they have warmed up?
  warmupNotify: true
# Should warmups be aborted if the player is damaged/attacked?
  abortOnDamage: 0
# Should warmups be aborted if the player moved?
  abortOnMovement: false
# The cooldown and warmup times applied to the permissions nodes.
    cooldownA: 0
    cooldownB: 5
    cooldownC: 10
    cooldownD: 15
    cooldownE: 20
    default: 0
    warmupA: 0
    warmupB: 5
    warmupC: 10
    warmupD: 15
    warmupE: 20
    default: 0

Limits Explained

There seems to be a fair bit of confusion about limits. So here is a little overview of how limits are calculated:

  1. Check if the player has the required bypass permission. If so, no limit.
  2. Check if the player has the limit permission A. If so, use the limit A from the config.
  3. Check if the player has the limit permission B. If so, use the limit B from the config.
  4. Check C as above.
  5. Check D as above.
  6. Check E as above.
  7. If no permissions have been found at this point, fall back to use the default limit from the config.

As you can see, this means that letters earlier in the alphabet have a higher priority than letters further down the alphabet. If a player is found to have both uhome.limit.c and uhome.limit.d, then the player will be given the limit C. In 99% of cases, limit A should always be the highest limit. Limit B should be the second highest. Limit E should be the lowest.


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