
uBlock Wiki

How-to config.yml

Default config.yml: or DOWNLOAD

So this might look complicated to some but its actually not, lets go through it little by little.


  1. boolean = true or false
  2. true the statement will activate
  3. false the statement will not be active
  1. If true then enderman cant pickup or place blocks Enderman_Nerf: boolean
  1. If true TNT and creepers wont explode Nerf_TNT: boolean
  1. If true fire cant spread or start Anti-Firespread: boolean


This is where all the fun starts :D

  1. This is where you define the items or blocks you want to block from being used!
  2. The names must be the programmatical names meaning all caps no spaces Blocked_Blocks: - TNT - BEDROCK - MOB_SPAWNER
  3. Ect...
  1. Same for items Blocked_Items: - LAVA_BUCKET - WATER_BUCKET - FLINT_AND_STEEL
  2. Ect...
  1. Now to configure them!
  2. We'll start with TNT
  3. Where the text is offset from the main (TNT) is four spaces
  1. The block we defined in the "Blocked_Blocks" TNT:
  1. This is the message displayed when a player without certain permissions places the block
  2. The [PLAYER] will be replaced by the regex, meaning this is a player's name and can be moved wherever
  3. The &e is the color code for the sentence, I took the liberty in posting all the color codes at the top

Message: '&e[PLAYER] has placed TNT!'

  1. This is the message displayed when a player is kicked for trying to place the block according to the Kick_Player boolean and the Kick_Chances integer
  2. The [PLAYER] will be replaced by the regex, meaning this is a player's name and can be moved wherever
  3. The &4 is the color code for the sentence, I took the liberty in posting all the color codes at the top

Global_Kick_Message: '&4[PLAYER] has been kicked for trying to place TNT!'

  1. This message is displayed to the player after they get kicked
  2. You can use color code if you want
  3. No [PLAYER] can be used here
  4. Only Displayed if you have the Kick_Player set to true

Kick_Message: 'You have been kicked for placing TNT!'

  1. Set whether the player will be kicked for placing the block x times
  2. Kick chances are set with the key Kick_Chances

Kick_Player: false

  1. How many times the player can try to place the blocked block before being kicked

Kick_Chances: 3

  1. If true, when the player joins the server back they get another x times they can try to place the blocked block
  2. If false, the player doesnt get any extra chances to place the blocked block

Kick_Reset: false

  1. If true, if the player tries to place a blocked block, they are charge money according to the key Penalty_Price

Penalty: false

  1. Money charged when a player tries to place a blocked block
  2. Only happens if the key Penalty is true

Penalty_Price: 15

  1. Message appeared when a player has been charged money for trying to place a blocked block
  2. Only shows of the key Penalty is true
  3. [PRICE] is another regex which is replaced with the key Penalty_Price
  4. Color code is allowed

Penalty_Pay_Message: 'You were penalized and payed a fine of [PRICE]'


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