UberForest 2.0.4
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UploadedMay 4, 2013
Size36.17 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.5.2-R0.1
- 1.5.2
- 1.5.0
- Update to new Beta Build
- McStats Updated to most recent version.
- Added Cobblestone Walls(mossy as well), Nether Fence, Jack O Lanterns, Iron Fence and Redstone Lamps to the list of overcrowding materials!
- Small comment update in config referencing Dev site for the above items.
- UberForest updated to latest Bukkit Dev Build again :)
- Minor config tweaks to make forests a bit less aggressive when using the initial defaults.
- UberForest updated to latest Bukkit Dev Build!
- UberForest updated to latest Bukkit RB!
- Major bug fixed! It affected Spruce and Birch trees which were being forced to grow either Uber or not at all! This has now been fixed... Please update!
- Changed the reload command from /reloaduberforest to /UberForest Reload
- Major Bug inhibiting Uber Jungle (2x2 Sapling planting) and Large Oak trees to grow, causing massive sapling spread fixed. - Thanks lastrachris!
- Improved Overcrowding checks before placing a sapling. The following blocks prevent a sapling from being planted if found anywhere within it's overcrowding radius.
- Fences,
- Fence Gates,
- Crops
- Glowstone
- Torches
- Logs
- Cobblestone
- Smooth Brick
- Saplings
- Internal Debugging system overhaul. Possible Debug Spam Fixed (oops!)
- Added Min/Max elevation for forest spreading.
- More code re factoring to accommodate changes in upcoming version.
- Small update to improve spruce and birch checking efficiency.
- Some code re factoring to accommodate changes in upcoming version.
- Official Release! REGENERATE YOUR CONFIG :) Old configs will work, but you'll be missing out on the new features!
- Biome Specific growth factors added. Highly configurable for every single Biome in Minecraft!
- /ReloadUberForest will reload the the plugin and config settings. No more full server reloads needed! Console and OP command only.
- Code re-factoring/optimization for sapling generation.
- When Giant Oak trees spawn naturally they are considered "Uber" and will spawn additional saplings (if configured) like other Uber trees.
- When Giant Jungle trees spawn naturally they are considered "Uber" and will spawn additional saplings (if configured) like other Uber trees.
- Regular Swamp trees now spread saplings.
- Regular Jungle trees now spread saplings.
- Framework for "Sharks with lasers" code laid out.
- Optional World Inclusion list. Regenerate config if you wish to include/exclude certain worlds :)
- Minor Rounding error fixed for UberBirch tree collision detection
- Compiled with Java 6 instead of 7!
- Added Hookup to MCStats
- Added Overcrowding checks. You can now configure how dense a forest may grow.
- Config File comments and variables updated. Please allow the plugin to recreate your config.yml!
- Optimized Sapling Code (>50% more efficient now)
- Bug with sapling at base of tree fixed.
- Default Config file tweaked to less aggressive settings.
- Initial Release of UberForest
- If you were using UberSpruce please remove the plugin and config before installing this one!
- Regenerate your config if upgrading prior to 1.0.0
- Please learn this plugin before increasing growth rates! Forests can grow exponentially with the higher settings.
- This plugin may cause extreme fun with forests :)