
Tweet, get your timeline and your mentions from CraftBukkit server! It's very easy, register you here and follow the instructions! :) There are multiple commands, like /tweet <tweet>, to tweet a message. you can type %ip% in your tweet, it will be remplaced by the server ip :D You can also see your timeline and your mentions, it is very easy to use.


To use this plugin, you need to have a twitter account (yes, seriously :p) and register you here to link your twitter account to the plugin, after you register, you will receive an email contening your key, so connect you to a server using this plugin and type

  • /tweetregister <password> <email> <key> After enter this command, the plugin will know your language (english or french, if you want more traduction, please help me :) )

If you're registered and you connected to a server using this plugin, type

  • /tweetlogin <password> You can now use all the plugin features

So you can view your timeline, type

  • /timeline <numberOfTweet> (<numberOfTweet> is optional, between 1 and 15, if is not set, it is 3 by default)

You can also view your mention

  • /mention <numberOfTweet> (<numberOfTweet> is optional, between 1 and 15, if is not set, it is 3 by default)

And tweet

  • /tweet <your tweet>

You can change your password by typing

  • /tweetchangepw <currentPw> <newPw> <confirmNewPw>

if you have forget your password, type

  • /tweetforgetpw <email> (<email> is the email you have using to registered to :) ) You will receive an email contening your password

Thank you if you're using this plugin, developped by Stornitz and almosted ! If you have any question, email us to [email protected].


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