
Over 2000 downloads! Cheers!
Ever wanted to have the players work together in a life-or-death situation (not in real-life, but in Minecraft, silly!)? Well, with TurtleZombies, that dream is now a reality! You can start a zombie apocalypse right on your server! Everybody starts out as a survivor and everything is normal until a server admin decides to turn a player of his or her choosing into a zombie! That player can then infect others by killing them and it starts a chain-reaction. Players can also be infected by normal zombies and zombie pigmen! Best of all, you can start over whenever you want! You can grant players immunity, turn them into flesh-eating freaks (zombies), or just turn them back into survivors.

Command Usage:
The only commands you'll need are:

  • /makeImmune {player} [player2] [player3] ...
  • /makeZombie {player} [player2] [player3] ...
  • /makeSurvivor {player} [player2] [player3] ...
  • /startApocalypse
  • /killAll {s, z, or i} The definitions of the commands should be easy to guess, but just in case, /makeImmune {player} grants a player, or players, immunity from infection. The player can still be killed, though. /makeZombie {player} turns a player, or players, into a zombie, /makeSurvivor {player} turns a player, or players, back into a survivor, and /startApocalypse spawns x (9 by default) amount of zombies around all online players on the enabled worlds.

All of the commands have their own permissions. They are:

  • turtlezombies.*
    • turtlezombies.giveImmunity
    • turtlezombies.makeZombie
    • turtlezombies.makeSurvivor
    • turtlezombies.startApocalypse
    • turtlezombies.killAll

Either wait for a player to become infected or infect them with /makeZombie {player}! Then watch the apocalypse begin! In the config.yml, put the worlds you want TurtleZombies to be enabled on. The default worlds are 'world' and 'world_nether'.

This plugin, as of V4.1.0, requires the DisguiseCraft plugin. The DisguiseCraft API is used to disguise infected players as zombies.


  • TurtleZombies 4.1.0 adds support for Bukkit 1.8.3. Also, ProtocolLib is no longer required to be installed for TurtleZombies to work.

  • TurtleZombies V4.0.0 adds support for CB 1.7.9-R0.1. It also removes the /makeAllZombies, /makeAllSurvivors, and /makeAllImmune commands. Instead of these, you can use /makeZombie [player1] [player2] ..., /makeSurvivor [player1] [player2] ..., and /makeImmune [player1] [player2] .... It also begins to utilize the DisguiseCraft API to make infected players appear as zombies. Do note that it REQUIRES DisguiseCraft and ProtocolLib be installed on your server, else it will fail to load.

  • TurtleZombiesV3.0 makes it so zombies spawn 4 blocks away from the player when the command /startApocalypse is executed. Zombies and other infected players can no longer attack other infected players and no longer burn in the daylight. Those can be edited in the config.yml. The command /killAll was added and can be used like: /killAll z, /killAll zombies, /killAll s, /killAll survivors, /killAll i, and /killAll immune. The permission turtlezombies.killAll was also added.

  • TurtleZombiesV2.0: Adds the /startApocalypse, /makeAllZombies, /makeAllSurvivors, and /makeAllImmune commands. Also adds the turtlezombies.changeAll and turtlezombies.startApocalypse permissions.

  • TurtleZombiesV1.0: Adds the /makeZombie, /makeSurvivor, and /makeImmune commands. Also makes player able to be infected by non-player zombies and zombie pigmen. Players can also be infected by other players who are already infected.

How To Contact:
The best way to contact me is on Twitter. My username is @_redusk. You could also leave a P.M. or comment!

If you feel TurtleZombies has improved your server to the extent you would like to donate, feel free to do so!



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 26, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Apr 12, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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