
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


Description and Usage:

TrueFalse is a simple, lightweight plugin designed to make player progress saving easier. In the past, server administrators would have to create permissions that players need to unlock to enter certain areas, use certain commands, etc. With TrueFalse, those permissions are no longer needed! TrueFalse makes it simple to check and set whether a player has completed a certain task on your server. For example: You created a parkour on your server. In this parkour, you want it so that players only need to complete it once, and when they have, they can freely teleport there anytime they want. TrueFalse lets you do this. All you need to do is set their "finishedparkour" value (or whatever you want to call it) to true once they finished the parkour. And then when they want to teleport, TrueFalse can check whether they finished the parkour or not and teleport them to the top if they did or do nothing if they didn't.

Of course TrueFalse has a very specific use. I personally have found a big use for it on my server. I would recommend using command blocks with this plugin for nice automation. When the player reaches a goal, force them to step on a pressure plate that will change their settings. Then later use the settings and handle it with another pressure plate.

To Do List:

  • Turn TrueFalse into an API to allow other plugins to access TrueFalse player settings.
  • Add other value types. Currently the plugin only supports boolean values (true/false). Perhaps numbers would be good soon.
  • Allow multiple commands when using /tf test
  • Make a YouTube tutorial on how to use the plugin with better explanation.

How To Use:

There is only 3 commands in TrueFalse at the moment. You can use the "/truefalse" or "/tf" prefix, Here they are:

  • /tf help: Opens help with a list of commands
  • /tf set <player> <data-id> <value>: Sets the value of a settings for a player.
  • /tf value <player> <data-id>: Returns the value of the specified setting for the specified player.
  • /tf test <player> <data-id> <'true-command'> ['false-command']: This will check the specified setting for the specified player. If it is true, it will run the <'true-command'> otherwise it will do nothing unless you specified a ['false-command']. If your commands have more than one word, please put a ' at the beginning and the end of the command. Be sure to not put a / in front of the command.

There are a few things you need to understand for the commands. The <data-id> refers to the name of the settings. For our parkour example I use "finishedparkour". The <value> refers to the boolean value (true/false) that you want to set the setting to. Continuing with our parkour example, once they player reaches the end of the parkour, you will have to set up some sort of system to set their "finishedparkour" settings to true (using a command block with a pressure plate for example) using the command "/tf set <player> finishedparkour true". When they try to teleport to the top of the parkour, you would use a command like this to check if they did or not "/tf test <player> finishedparkour 'tp x y z' 'tell <player> You cannot teleport there until you have finished the parkour'".

  • truefalse.*: Enables all permissions.
  • Allows the use of /tf help
  • truefalse.set: Allows the use of /tf set
  • truefalse.value: Allows the use of /tf value
  • truefalse.test: Allows the use of /tf test

Consider donating if you found this plugin useful or visit my website and support my game development at


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