Trouble in MineTopia

Trouble In Minetopia Logo


We need publicity and if you could right about us in your blog, we will give you beta access to our servers when they are running! Just comment in the description with the link to your blog!


Your in a huge room filled with traps, ladders and obstacles that could kill you at every corner. You don't know who you can trust and who you cant. Your job as an innocent is to find the traitors and kill them. Some noob runs through and almost kills everyone. You and your friend kill him, but there is still one traitor left. You look at your friend, and all of a sudden a sword is in his hand. He strikes and you die on impact. Traitors win.

Trouble in Minetopia is a game full of deceit, fun and everything you can imagine! The game is based on the Trouble in Terrorist Town mod in Garry's Mod. Here are the rules:

  • The majority of players within a game are innocent
  • When you kill someone on your side of the team, you got bad karma.
  • Traitors have the "traitor shop" (/traitorshop) which allows them to buy items to kill Innocents with. You need to have a certain amount of traitor points to buy them.
  • The Detective is considered an Innocent
  • The Traitors are always outnumbered
  • When a Traitor hits a Traitor, the chat will message them to not hit that person, though the event will not be cancelled.
  • When a player dies, the detective can pick up a book about the person, who killed them and if they were a Traitor or not.
  • You gain Traitor/Innocent points by killing the other team.
  • The game ends when somebody has Traitor/Innocent points over 15. This means they have killed 15 people without being caught.
  • The announcer will announce all deaths except ones from falling/damage that was not by an entity.
  • Server's should have no more than 24 players playing at once.
  • Chests have items that anyone can get by right clicking on them. They are generated randomly.
  • You can disable this by typing /set shutdown false !


  • Head Developer/Co-Creator - Kedalion
  • Co-Creator - moritzbruno
  • Developer - DreTaX

Job Application

  • Map builders!! <--


Known Bugs for Developers to Fix*

  • Test command does not work.


  • New Github!
  • Added Servers

What's so special about it?

Trouble in Minetopia may look like many other plugins out there, but when you get to gameplay it is much better.

  • Trouble in Minetopia doesn't let you see your karma like many other servers so that you don't know if you're doing good or bad.
  • Makes you think quicker than other servers.
  • The Detective is the only one who can see who is a traitor and who isn't. He is automatically given a book which saves a lot of time.
  • It is announced when a person is killed, and if they were a traitor or an innocent to balance out for only the Detective getting to see who killed him/her.
  • A Detective can drop books, but only he can read them.
  • Traitors can hit traitors, but they are reminded that they are on their team.
  • It's the only open source plugin of it's kind!
  • Special armor is put on the detective so that you know who he is.
  • Play no matter what your karma is!
  • When a traitor gets up to 15 kills, the game ends.
  • When all the innocent kill the traitors, the game ends.
  • The traitor shop has Poison Arrows, Stone Swords and a Bow (more coming).
  • You can simply press a button to use the Traitor Teller!
  • All the slots on the official servers can be filled by anyone! This also means donators get even more special permissions!
  • Karma - Points = Score
  • Zombies don't spawn when you die which makes it much easier to play.

Before re-using anything please read the READ-ME on github. Thank you!

Dear users of TIM! We are working on 3.2 now, we are trying to make the important things work! Thank's for the patience, you will see an update in a week! DreTaX


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 15, 2012
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License
