This plugin is like library of MC sounds which you can use directly or indirectly in chat :)
This plugin doesn't require SPOUT. **
- you can use special word to play sound from you.
- you can use commands to silently play sound (troll master) :)
How to use library
If you want to do it in chat simply add required word to you sentence for example:
"Hi, there pigidle " For now pigidle is visible word in chat, but I'll replace this with empty space. It'll play sound from you.
if you want to do it silently then for example use it like that: /tsp pigidle
First what you need is permission to use sounds :)
- tsp.sounds
List of sounds
On THIS site you can find list of sounds available with proper words to use in chat
Silent commands
To play sounds without using chat you can use this command:
- /tsp [NameFromListSound] - Of course without "[]" :D
ToDo && Testing
- Making loops for sounds
I'll be adding "forbidden" words for example "can I be op" so forbidden are when there are together "be" and "op" :)
I added some polish "forbidden" words and it works cool :P for example words together like: "moge" and "op" - test it :D
So to test write simply "moge opa" or "dasz op" :D
This plugin uses MCSTATS to see how many servers have this plugin and how many players uses this. You can turn off it if you want.
Really love this plugin! Its great for what Im using it for.
I don't know.
Is the plugin compatible with command blocks? So if I type /tsp pigidle into a command block, would the sound play? Edit: Oops just realized someone else had already posted this comment :P my bad.
Hi, good plugin but can you add a command for play the sound to a player. example: /tsp [player] [NameFromListSound]
Cave sounds are also available in this plugin.
good idea, but when i came here, i expected you could use the creepy cave sounds.
Hey, just as idea:
I often find myself searching for a nice sound by editing my code, recompiling, trying out, doing this again and again.. until it sounds like imagined.
Would it be possible that you add the following to this pugin:
A command that let you define the sound parameters: the enum Sound name directly, instead of your selfmade soundlist, the volumne and the pitch value
And maybe in the future add the same for effects? So developers can very simple try through all availbile effects quick when they search for something that fits for their needs.
For both: Some sort of in-game list of the enum sound/effect names would be nice. Maybe as table, so it doesn't use to much space in the chat window (so you don't have to scroll too much if the enums size is long, as it is..)
That they this plugin could be even more useful :)
It's rather not possible.
Hi, With commandBlock, can you create a radius to hear the sound or is it impossible?
Yeah, actually it's possible. But, what sound and word (configurable?).
About commandblocks it doesn't work because no player execute command.
Could you add so that the sound plays for all players on the server when someone types a specific word? Like on steam servers.
Can you add support for CommandBlocks? :D
Here is clean dev bukkit: there are my server files with plugins:
I hope I helped you :)
Can I get the link for the 1.5 download please? I've tried to google for it with no luck.
Thank you, sir!
I replied in pm.
From where may I download?
Please update to 1.5.0!
gdyby ktos spytal moge bana od opa?:P