⭐ TrollingFreedom ⭐ | #1 Troll Plugin with GUI

Please use our spigot version since I always update that, all the newest features are on there! 
One of the best troll plugins with GUI that includes over 70 unique, funny and interesting trolls!
Please suggest more trolls in the discussions because I have no idea what else to add!
Commands & Permissions
/Troll (Opens Troll GUI)
/TrollingFreedom Lists the plugin version and author.
/Troll - Opens the Troll GUI - trollingfreedom.open
/Trollp (Player) (Troll) - Troll player without GUI - trollingfreedom.trollp
/UnTroll (Player) - Removes all trolls without needing to enter GUI - trollingfreedom.untroll
/Troll Reload - Reloads config
All the GUI text and plugin text is configurable and translatable in the plugin configuration
The plugin includes many unique trolls with more always being added!
* Herobrine Troll (Requires Citizens Plugin)
* Burn Troll
* Spam Troll
* Fake Ban
* Fake Crash
* Credits Troll
* Demo Troll
* Spin Troll
* Nuke Troll
* OP Troll
* TNT Troll
* Spin Troll
* Fake Close
* Block Place/Break Troll
* Launch/Lift Troll
* Potato troll
* Teleport to void troll
* Annoying villager sounds troll
* Silverfish troll
* Vomit troll
* World loading troll
* Pumpkin troll
* Cave sounds troll
* Anvil drop troll
* Stop chest opening troll
* Slenderman troll
* Creeper AW MAN troll (also plays CREEPER AW MAN no joke!)
* Coffin Dance Troll (ALSO plays Coffin Dance song!)
* Drop all items from inventory troll
* Cage troll
* Starve troll
* Random chat troll
* Inventory see/spy troll
* Random Teleport troll
* Teleport All troll
* Lightning strike on walk troll
* Ghast Scream troll
* Hide all players troll
* Flash screen troll
*  TNT place troll
*  Rain items troll
* Aquaphobia troll
* Slippery hands troll
* Lock inventory troll
* Sneak destroy block troll
* Instant tool break troll
* Entity duplicate on kill troll
* Bed explosion troll
* Fake lag troll
* Fake reload troll
* Exploding chicken troll
* Explosive sheep troll
* Rick roll troll
* Random inventory troll
* Random particle walk troll
* Kill nearby entities troll
* High jump on walk troll
* Mute troll
* Random nick troll
* Kitty cannon troll
* Missing bed troll
* Snowman troll
* On chat explosion troll
* Invert walk troll
* Inventory rave troll
* Only sleep at night bed message troll
* Monsters nearby bed message troll
* Prevent bed sleep troll
* Free fall troll
* Hallucination elder guardian troll
* Reverse chat message troll
* And many more!
(GUI as of version 2.3)
New Coffin Dance Troll yes, also plays music
Please Read!
If you are on 1.13-1.16 and using this plugin, not all trolls will work and no support will be given to these old versions. Support will be given to the latest versions of 1.17 and 1.18.
Special thanks to Cha_Shao//www.spigotmc.org/members/cha_shao.910646/" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">www.spigotmc.org/members/cha_shao.910646/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" data-proxy-href="http://| Thanks to [URL='https://www.spigotmc.org/members/cha_shao.910646/"> for providing the Chinese translation config
If you would like to contact me regarding bugs, suggestions or would just like to stay up to date, please join the new discord server. We also post plugin pre releases on there.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 18, 2018
  • Last Released File
    Jan 26, 2022
  • Total Downloads
  • License

