

First I'd like to say that this is my first ever public plugin, I have been working on it all day to learn the basics of coding, I think myself that it went pretty well. I'd like to say that I did not use a YouTube tutorial and copied the code, since I only watched 2 video's for the basics, and I did some research for the rest. I'd really appreciate some reviews from people if they liked the plugin.

Commands and permissions:
/fakeop {player} - trollol.fakeop
Sends a message to the player that looks exactly like the default OP message.
/fakeban {player} - trollol.fakeban
Kicks the player from the server saying they have been banned from the server, this message is customizable in the config.
/fakemute {player} - trollol.fakemute
Sends a message to the player saying they're muted, this message is customizable in the config.
/fakestop {player} - trollol.fakestop
Kicks the player saying: Server closed! like if you stopped the server, this message is customizable in the config.
/fakeleave {player} - trollol.fakeleave
Fakeleave a random name/player, you can change the message in the config.
/fakejoin {player} - trollol.fakejoin
Fakejoin a random name/player, you can change the message in the config.
/fakepay {player} {amount} - trollol.fakepay
Fakepay a player.
/fakepromote {player} {rank} - trollol.fakepromote
Fakepromote a player, this uses the GroupManager promote format.
/tlreload - trollol.reload
Reloads the config from the plugin, it's better to use /tlreload then /reload when you have changed a message in the config!
/setfakeban - trollol.fakeban.setmsg
Change the config message for when a player gets fakebanned.
/setfakemute - trollol.fakemute.setmsg
Change the config message for when a player gets fakebanned.
/setfakestop - trollol.fakestop.setmsg
Change the config message for when a player gets fakestopped.
/setnoperms - trollol.setmsg.noperms
Change the config message for when a player doesn't have the right perms.
/setoffline - trollol.setmsg.noperms
Change the config message for when the target isn't online.
/setfakepromote - trollol.fakepromote.setmsg
Change the message it shows the player when you fakepromote them.
/setfakepay - trollol.fakepay.setmsg
Change the message it shows the player when you fakepay them.

#                   Troll-LOL                   #
# Here you can change all the default messages, colour codes are possible using the '&' symbol. #
# For the ' symbol, you need to use two quotes. That isn''t hard.#
fakeBan: '&cYou have been banned.' # The kick message it sends the player when they get fake-banned. #
fakePay: '&aYou just recieved $%money% from %sender%' # The message it tells the player when someone fake-pays them. #
fakeOP: '&7&o[%sender%: Opped %target%]' # The message it tells the player when someone fake-OPs them. #
fakeJoin: '&e%joiner% joined the game' # The message the server broadcasts when someone executes the fakejoin command. #
fakeLeave: '&e%leaver% left the game'
fakePromote: '&eYou were moved to the group %rank% in world.' # The message it sends a player when they get fake-promoted. #
fakeStop: '&fServer closed!' # The kickmessage the player gets when they get fake-stopped. #
fakeMuted: '&6You have just been muted!' # The message it tells the player when they get fake-muted. #
notOnline: '&cThat player isn''t online!' # The messages it shows the command sender when the player they're trying to fake-* isn't online. #
noPlayerSpecified: '&cYou haven''t specified a player!' # The message it shows the player when they haven't specified a player. #
noPermission: '&cYou aren''t permitted to do this command!' # The message it tells the player when they don't have permission to a TrollLol command. #
justGotFooled: '&eYou just fooled %target%!' # The message it tells the player when they fool someone. #
noMoneySpecified: '&cYou need to use an amount of money to fake pay!' # The message it tells the player when they haven't entered an amount of money to fake-pay. #
noRankSpecified: '&cYou haven''t specified a rank!' # The money it tells the player when they haven't entered a rank to fake-promote #
pluginReload: '&aYou successfully reloaded Trol-Lol!' # The message it shows when you reload the plugin #

I'd love to hear some new idea's I could implement, so feel free to request something! Have fun with the plugin ;)


I'm sorry about the markup last time, I didn't double check my description when I released it. Thus it being very bugged.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 19, 2015
  • Last Released File
    Jul 19, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License

