
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

== DISCONTINUED == Currently too busy to develop, I lost the code and don't like developing anymore. MAYBE IN THE FUTURE I WILL CONTINUE. NO TAKEOVERS ACCEPTED. ALL RIGHTS GO TO ME. NO DUPLICATION.

INTRODUCING - Hello and this is my plugin TRGAuctions! I hope you enjoy this plugin. !!!!You will need Vault and a economy plugin compatible with Vault!!!! Well lets start!

FEATURES - This plugin lets you make an auction and you can bid on an auction to buy stuff

TO DO - Make a "/cancelbid" command. Feel free to ask for more TO DO things for me!

PERMISSIONS - First you have to set the permissions. You can use a permission plugin for this permissions or just the permissions file from the server. This are the permissions:

First One : TRGAuctions.* : Allows you to use all TRGAuctions Commands

Second One : TRGAuctions.Start : Allows access to the /auction command.

Third One : TRGAuction.Cancel : Allows access to the /cancelauction command

Fourth One : TRGAuction.Bid : Allows access to the /bid command

COMMANDS - Second you have to know about the commands. This are the commands:

/auction <Startingamount> <BidInterval> <Quantity> <Time(In Seconds)> : Start an auction

/cancelauction : Cancels your current auction

/bid <Amount> Bids on the current auction

CONFIGURATION - N/A Just put it in the file with Vault and an Economy plugin supported by Vault and your done!

ERRORS OR PROBLEMS - If you found any errors or problems just make a ticket or say it in the comments. I will try to reply and fix it ASAP


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 1, 2014
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
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