Trey's Command Blocker

For versions that require Command Blocker Legacy (1.4.7-1.8.7), head to
What does this do?:
This is a very simple plugin that allows you to block commands with custom messages! You are even able to add your own commands you wish to block!
What does this add?:
This adds the option to disable commands for other players. Some of which include: /plugin, /help, and even custom commands you can choose. You can add a command to the list in disabled.yml or with the command /cb add <command> [permission] [message]. If no message and/or permission is added, then it will use the default messages in config.yml! Also allows you to disable tab-completion if ProtocolLib is installed (Optional)! You can now also add commands to block for OPs in opblock.yml! Also, now you can add this plugin to BungeeCord for BungeeCord support!
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