Tree Destroyer
Tree Destroyer- Destroy trees with ease!
Tree Destroyer- Destroy trees with ease!
Current Version : v6.4
Current Version : v6.4
Tree Destroyer is a Bukkit plugin which lets you destroy all the logs of a tree in a matter of seconds by only breaking one log.
Special Thanks to UltiByte for demonstrating my plugin! :P
- /destroy - Activates tree destroying mode.
- /treeinfo - Shows plugin information.
- /treereload - Reloads config.yml.
- /update - Downloads the latest update on BukkitDev.
- treedestroyer.destroy - Access to destroy command.
- treedestroyer.update - Allows you to receive update message as well as access to update.
- - Allows access to /treeinfo.
- Source code
PM me
- zack6849 - Helping me with bug fixes and adding plugin metrics as well as an auto-update feature.
- snap64 - Helping me with bug fixes.
- mdcollins - Helping me with bug fixes as well as a new way for the config.yml.
Version 6.4
- Added multiple tool functionality
- Changed hashMaps to HashSets
- Made HashSets safe on Player Quit
Version 5.0
- Added a feature so the plugin doesn't work on logs used in houses
Version 4.5
- Added aliases:
- /d - same as /destroy
- /u- same as /update
- /ti- same as /treeinfo
- /tr- same as /treereload
- Changed to metricslite
- Added metrics to config.yml
Version 4.0
- Added different config.yml method
- Fixed /treeinfo throwing an error
- Added /update command
- You can now disable auto-update notifying
- Added permission treedestroyer.update
- Added a message of the day
- Fixed config.yml so now it updates without you having to delete the file
Version 3.0
- Added /treereload
- Fixed plugin metrics
- You can now disable auto-update notifying
- Changed effect of destroying trees
- Fixed /treeinfo
- Added new permission:
- Fixed config.yml
Version 2.0
- Added /treeinfo.
- Added permission.
- Initial release
Can someone help by telling me what each feature in the config.yml is?
All I want is an idea of every feature`in order to know what to do
I also suggest adding comments in the config such as
- 286
- 258
- 271
- 275
Thank you.
you put the permission node in your groups...
paste this - treedestroyer.destroy
What handles your permissions then?
I dont have a permissions.yml in my file config, the only one I have for your plugin is " Plugin config file: plugins/TreeDestroyer/config.yml"
can you paste your permissions.yml?
I dont know how to give other people access to the mod on my server. Is it possible to get a step by step how-to on this? I would really appreciate it. When i type treedestroyer.destroy for permissions it says "this is an invalid command". I am a begginer please help!
Works with me, 1.6.2 Beta
I don't think this works on 1.6.2, tried the commands and the tree just breaks normally.
I'm not sure I understand your question?
Looks Great Well i have this Skyblock and Prison Server all minigames and if i make a protected zone and i place a tree and the C people that are C or B or A can they do /d and brake it? is it okay only trees tho plz i need a plugin
it should still work? I'm hoping to add an auto sapling replant function.
I concur. Would love to see an update. Hate to join the badgering types but you know.. making sure we're not forgotten :)
Could we please get an update to this?
Can u add an option that player needs to chop down 1 wood block several times before whole tree goes down so its not that fast/instant to kill all forest and collect wood.
Added :)
hmmm interesting. Ill get back to you shortly
How does the config work? I want to add all the axes. I have tried with spaces and with , but none works.
im not quite sure what you are talking about?
hi i was just wondering what is the [cr] chat plugin i heard it was helpful but cant find it can someone tell me or provide me with the download link.thx