
The plugin TPort lets you save locations under a name and an item.

A saved location is called a TPort

(This page is written for the TPort 1.15.3 version)

see the images for a quick tour through some inventories from TPort


When using the main command (/tport) it will open the main TPort gui.

The main TPort gui is an inventory containing player heads of all the people that have been on the server after TPort was installed. When clicking on a player head it will open the TPort gui of that clicked player.

The TPot gui of a player is an inventory containing the saved TPorts of that player. Other players can teleport to that TPort by left-clicking the item. If the TPort was set to private (right-click on a TPort in YOUR TPort inventory to toggle) they wont be able to teleport to it. when set to private you can add players to a whitelist, those players can always teleport to that TPort (even when private). There are settings you can change by right-clicking an TPort in YOUR TPort GUI

when a TPort is set to private state 'online' players are only able to teleport to that TPort when the owner is online.


In the TPort gui of a player there are some more extra functions you can use. 


2. Teleport back

3. biomeTP

4. featureTP



PLTP stands for PLayerTelePortation

Other players can click on your head and they will teleport to you. You can disable it by clicking on your own head in your TPort gui. When off nobody can teleport to you, only players that are in your whitelist. You can add/remove players from your whitelist. use /tport PLTP whitelist <add:remove> <player names...>


Teleport back:

When teleporting to a TPort it will save your location before you teleport, so you can teleport back to that location.

using /tport back or click on the Teleport back elytra in a TPort gui. If you teleported back it will save your last used TPort.


when you are in a random location and teleport to your home TPort it will save that random location you where on. If you teleport back again you will teleport back to that random location and the new saved location will be the TPort home location.

This will be given with a 'to ...' and 'from ...' location. A 'to ...' location means you will teleport to that TPort, and a 'from ...' location you will teleport to the place from when you teleported to that 'from ' location.

If this doesn't make sence to you, you can try it for your self and if you still don't get it you can ask me.


BiomeTP and FeatureTP

These features lets you teleport to a biome or feature. its that simple.

When using biomeTP you will teleport to a random location in your chosen biome.

When using an The End biome while you are in the Overworld it won't find it. Since the 1.15.3 TPort version it will also search an safe spot to teleport to: a place with air and no lava/fire beneath you. This helps you not to teleport into the void in The End, and not into lava lakes in The Nether


The FeatureTP is similar to /locate in Minecraft, but more controlled.

You can select between 2 modes, CLOSEST and RANDOM. When selected CLOSEST it will search for the closest chosen feature, and when selected RANDOM it will search an random one. This is not available with /locate, as it will search for the closest.


you can save up to 24 TPorts.


this page can include some old information from previous versions. If you have found some, please comment it so I can update this.


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