Town of Salem

Warning: This project is experimental. Its files will not synchronize across the CurseForge network.

Town of Salem vers. alpha_1.4.2


This plugin adds the browser game "Town of Salem" as a mini game to your server.

Please note that this plugin is still highly experimental and thus bugs are to be expected.


How it works:

Using the command /tos map create you can create a new map which consists of sixteen houses surrounding a jail and gallows. If you want, you can also use your own custom map (please see below for details). In order to create a new game simply type /tos game create - up to sixteen players can join the game by using /tos join.

By typing /tos game start you can start the game and all players who joined previously are given a random role and are teleported to their houses. During the day phase a player can be put on trial by voting while each player can use their abilities during the night or day phase (depending on their role). Information about the commands which are used within the game are provided to the players so you do not have to keep the commands in mind. Also, you can receive help concerning your role by typing /salem help or /salem role while the game is running.

  • Items and experience will not be lost as you will not really be killed playing the game
  • You need to confirm your decision after typing /tos map create in order to prevent damage to your buildings.
  • The plugin uses its own chat so you will not be able to communicate with other players who are not playing the game (anyway you will be able to see their messages...)
  • You are not able to leave the map while the game is in progress (other players are not able to enter the map)
  • You cannot place, break or ignite blocks while the game is in progress
  • Evil mobs will be cleared within the map regularly and players cannot be damaged
  • If you die you will be invisible to living players
  • If you disconnect from the server while the game is in progress you will be muted and die the next night


So far, this plugin contains following roles known from the browser game:

serial killer, jester, godfather, mafioso, framer, janitor, sheriff, lookout, escort, jailor, medium,

spy, veteran, vigilante



/tos map create     ->  Creates a new map

/tos confirm           ->  Confirms the creation of a new map

/tos game create  ->  Creates a new game


If you want to use your own custom map:


/tos setHouseDay houseX    -> Set a custom location where the player will spawn each time a new

                                                       day begins (replace X by a number between 1 and 16)

/tos setHouseNight houseX -> Set a custom location where the player will spawn each time a new

                                                       night begins (replace X by a number between 1 and 16)

/tos setSpawnJail                    -> Set a custom spawn for the jail

/tos setSpawnLynch               -> Set a custom spawn for the player who is to be lynched

(please be aware that by using the commands which create custom spawn locations, you need to have created a map before nonetheless (however, you can remove that map right after its creation))



/tos join                  ->  Lets the player join the game

/tos game start     ->  Starts a game

/tos game stop      ->  Stops a game. If you don't stop the game it will stop itself as soon as somebody wins

/tos help                 ->  Displays help

/tos reload              ->  Reloads the plugin (not available at the moment)

/tos back                 -> teleports the player back to their previous location after the game ended

All further ingame-commands which are used within the started game are going to be displayed during the game.



tos.create  ->  Permission to create a game or a map

tos.join      ->   Permission to join and play a game


The aim of this plugin:

I created this plugin hoping that maybe some day we might make something own out of it. Perhaps I will receive some suggestions concerning new roles or new features for the plugin which make an own game based on the concept of "Town of Salem" (or other games like "Mafia" or "Werewolf") possible.

Hopefully some day this plugin can be more than a simple clone of Town of Salem.



In the config file you can set:

  • the maximum amount of players to join (absolute maximum is 16). You can also find a role list which you can use to play the game with the roles you want (you can use a role multiple times if you want to)
  • whether you want to use your own custom role descriptions using the messages.txt file
  • whether you want all players to be teleported back to their previous locations automatically or whether you want them to type /tos back manually

Further explanations can also be found within the file.


Known bugs:

  • Doors are not placed properly when a new map is created. You can place them manually afterwards if you want to.
  • As this plugin is experimental bugs are to be expected! Please let me know if you encounter any bugs that are not listed here :)

Planned features:

  • none

Change log:


  • initial release


  • Vigilante now needs to wait one day before using his gun
  • When a player is on trial he is not able to vote anymore


  • bug fixes; added some debugging features
  • the read-me file (and main file) are going to be updated now when a new version of this plugin is used


  • not working with Threads anymore, this plugin is now safe to use
  • fixed a bug which used to occur while playing as Serialkiller


  • you can now set your own custom spawns for each player, the jail and the gallows, so you don't need to use the default map anymore

alpha 1.4.1:

  • updated plugin to latest Bukkit version
  • formatted help messages slightly


  • changed the /t prefix used by the in-game commands to /salem so that it won't clash with other plugins
  • added /tos back command
  • added a new option to the config file for choosing whether the players should be teleported back to their previous locations automatically after the game ended


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 30, 2018
  • Last Released File
    Sep 18, 2020
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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